reaver894: I personally have found most indie games a bit disappointing, there are exceptions to that rule but on the whole i find them to be pretty similar, I mean look at the likes of LoG, while a decent enough game in itself it is the same that we have seen a lot from indie devs and even more mainstream producers (/me looks at M&MX) I think Indies have to do something to stand out from the crowd and I personally feel that there are very few that do actually stand out.
To be honest, I do think you need to have all the shit there to be able to find the occasional diamond in the rough, and I don't think anyone really disputes that the vast majority of indie games really are shit (bearing in mind, of course, that many of them don't even make it to Steam, GOG or indie bundles).
If it wasn't for this kind of open market though, many of these stand-out titles probably would never have made it to market - they would have failed at the publisher end. I do think publishers are essential to a funktioning gaming market (you only have to have seen first-hand how bad some of the self-publishing devs are at dealing with distributors to realise this).
FTL and LoG probably would never have seen the light of day with a traditional publisher.
On the flip side of the coin, however, there are plenty of games out there - especially more ambitious ones - that wouldn't see the light of day without the involvement of a publisher to provide financial support.