BlueKronos: But Spinorial, isn't the point of chaps to not have a 'back', not sure what a chapette would be though ;-} Would link an image for you; however, it might not be safe for work !
I've been impressed by the number of round robin giveaway entries on some of the giveaways here, never seen a any other forum with so many people who enjoy doing that, or so many OPs who actually follow those sometimes crazy loops and don't just throw up their hands and say 'regift it if you want' I'm simply giving it to you.
Penny for the smart lady ;)
There's plenty of giveaways around here, so it's important to keep them fun and more varied than simple pages of "In, thanks." As an added bonus, there's no point entering for stuff you're not interested in, just because it's free; something you're into will inevitably show up, an in the mean time, you might as well help out a deserving fellow/fellette XD
Though I did actually want them penguins :(