011284mm: 2 - Vocal? I am not too sure. Yes people who want DRM-free games are noisy here, but are they really that noisy elsewhere? I check Groupees chat, Desura and IGS forums. There is the odd bit, but not really that much.
tomimt: From what I've followed Kickstarter projects anti-DRM people are perhaps the most vocal ones, even more so than Linux people. On some cases they are the same people though. From what I've seen both overestimate their relevancy on a large scale, on small scale projects they might be a signifacnt factor, but the bigger the projects get, the smaller their signifigance drops.
Disclaimer: I don't have anything against Linux people or anti-DRM peoplem this is just a personal observation I've done. Heck, If I'd have something against anti-DRM movement I wouldn't be a customer at GOG.
I am not going to say anything about Kickstarted as I have only broused the pages a few times there. Yet it would make sense for people to be very vocal about both Linux and DRM-free in that situation as they are actually ploughing money into the games development.
Lets face it, if I said to you that I would like you to give me $100 for a stake in my game you would ask what is in it for you. You might well be looking at it and saying "I will get no financial comback, so I want my game for me to use forever, where ever."
So Linux users want a copy they can play right out the gates without any of the extra work that needs to be done sometimes and people who want to play away from the internet or without extra crap-ware on their machines will argue for DRM-free.
People will fight for what they want, and if you ask them for money to do it, expect them to shout even louder.