cogadh: I was just in my local Target yesterday and they had Arx Fatalis, CMR 2005, Darkstar One, Ghost Master, Gothic 2, Sacred Gold, Second Sight and Stronghold Crusader all on the discount rack. I'm not saying those are all good games, but to date, they have all been considered good enough for GOG.
BTW - Target is still selling all those titles at 10 bucks each, so GOG is doubly better than the discount rack (lower price and no DRM).
You should print up some GOG stickers with a selection of titles and prices and sneakily put them on the discount rack
JudasIscariot: Games like the original Pool of Radiance are OLD. Imagine playing a game using old D&D rules. No multi-classing only dual classing,....
Hey original AD&D rules were the best, none of this "I can be everything if I work hard enough" superpower bollocks that snuck in and you still needed those weird dice that seemed to exist for no purpose than to be left on the floor and trodden on in the middle of the night, ahh D4s, gotta love em, death to the D20!