Wishbone: Not knocking your national celebration here, but saying "This is the United States, GTFO" on a board run by a Polish company, with users from all over the world,
might be construed by some as being somewhat arrogant.
Weclock: Yeah, I'm just talking about people at my work, so I can see how someone retarded might not get the context, with me explicitly saying I'm talking about my work before hand. Some people, I swear, just get so upset over the tiniest little things.. oh well.
1. This is not your place of work, and nowhere did you imply you were
at your place of work.
2. In the sentence "this is the United States, get the fuck out", the word "this" gramatically has to refer to a common location shared by you and the person you're adressing, in this case, this forum.
3. Why do I, a non-native English speaker have to teach English to a native English speaker?
4. The USA is not the whole world, not even remotely. If, when dealing with people from outside the US, you demonstrate an attitude of superiority because of your nationality, be prepared to be met with less than exhilaration.
5. I don't think I'll start a thread in here the next time an exclusively Danish holiday comes around. Still, I have nothing whatsoever against thanksgiving, and I do hope you have a happy one.