Posted August 20, 2013
Punished_Snake: Something that gives you a challenge (even an easy one).
Game like this and Dear Esther, or Home, are visual novels for me.
Kunovski: a challenge you say... :) Game like this and Dear Esther, or Home, are visual novels for me.
well, did you find ALL the notes and memos? even the one from the schoolteacher complaining about Sam? :o)
EDIT: and if you really played through the game in 1 hour you did a speedrun and probably didn't even read the texts ;)
I read some documents, some background story (the father and uncle one, for example), I played normally, but I can't do all the things I wanted just because I was playing from a friend.
But 18 euro, even for a three hours game, it's not a good price.