Posted September 01, 2014

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany

epic meh.
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted September 01, 2014
But vanilla Minecraft isn't what it used to be. We now have horses, loads of new redstone, multiple types of stone and wood (with matching constructs), KILLER RABBITS, more ocean mobs (and boss, and an underwater structure)... and tons more.
But it depends what you're looking to get out of the game I guess, if you approach it as if it were a FPS, then yeah, you just hack three or four different types of mobs. But building, man, I haven't started to build some things I have vaguely pictured in my mind.
But it depends what you're looking to get out of the game I guess, if you approach it as if it were a FPS, then yeah, you just hack three or four different types of mobs. But building, man, I haven't started to build some things I have vaguely pictured in my mind.

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted September 01, 2014

But then, that's the great thing about Minecraft. It lets you play the game the way you want it. What I get out of the game is totally different from what you get out of the game, but we both agree it's a great game.
Oh, one more thing in favor of mods: some of them I don't want to be without ever again, because they make up for things that are lacking in Vanilla. I don't want to play Minecraft without NEI (Not Enough Items) and some sort of mini-map with waypoints, because being lost, and having to switch out of the game every 5 minutes to look up a crafting recipe on a wiki just isn't fun.

Swims in Cobwebs
Registered: Mar 2013
From United States
Posted September 01, 2014

But then, that's the great thing about Minecraft. It lets you play the game the way you want it. What I get out of the game is totally different from what you get out of the game, but we both agree it's a great game.
Oh, one more thing in favor of mods: some of them I don't want to be without ever again, because they make up for things that are lacking in Vanilla. I don't want to play Minecraft without NEI (Not Enough Items) and some sort of mini-map with waypoints, because being lost, and having to switch out of the game every 5 minutes to look up a crafting recipe on a wiki just isn't fun.
I explain on the server's subreddit that I prefer waiting for the mods to come to 1.8 (instead of going to where the mods are at 1.6/1.7) because it guarantees the server will be running 1.8 and creates a natural bottleneck in the modification of the server. This limitation affords us ample time to test the inter-compatibility of plug-ins and mods, how they impact server performance and stability as well as offering a greater chance to explore the nuances of the additional content they provide. Lastly, it places us in a much better position to receive the upcoming Workbench API than a server running earlier versions of Minecraft. I have unique ideas for a mod and I have been waiting (patiently) for the new API to begin work on them.
I have a truly original and challenging experience planned for the server, consider what I am offering now early access to that. It's not feature complete but, it is an opportunity to get yourself established early and take a large role in shaping the future of the server as a founding member. I have the broad outline of my vision for the server stickied at the server's subreddit, I would love for you to check it out and share your feedback. I will be adding a more detailed feature list once I have a moment to wring it out of my brain and into text so, expect to see that soon™.

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted September 01, 2014

All in all, I wish you the best of luck with your server. I hope you and others have tons of fun with it. It just isn't for me.

Swims in Cobwebs
Registered: Mar 2013
From United States
Posted September 01, 2014
I prefer to say temporarily un-modded due to circumstance...
Wishbone: Every mod you add that impact world generation will require you to wipe the world and start over again, you know that, right? Of course! This isn't my first rodeo, cowboy ;D Any server owner who says that they are never going to do a world reset has doomed themselves to failure. World resets are a natural part of Minecraft, plan for them and familiarize yourself with the tools to minimize their negative impacts while embracing the positive ones (fresh world to build on and explore)
Wishbone: My guess is that the API (if it ever shows up) will be released along with a new Minecraft version. In other words, you and everybody else will have to re-install everything in order to get the API. The last few updates have incrementally rewritten Minecraft to allow for a proper plug-in API to be introduced. 1.8 has radically altered the core of Minecraft more than any other update by magnitudes and it is set to be officially released on Tuesday (9/2).
… or not modded, yet!
soooon ;)
Wishbone: Well, I've read it, and we have different ideas of what makes a game fun (which is quite alright). You seem to want to make it as difficult as possible. That is not my idea of fun.
All in all, I wish you the best of luck with your server. I hope you and others have tons of fun with it. It just isn't for me. No, there is only one type of fun, something is fun or it isn't. I know how to distinguish the difficulty that adds challenge (AKA fun) from the difficulty that is simply tedium. I agree that what I am offering is not for everyone, I would much rather give a handful of people exactly what they want instead of giving everyone only a bit of what they want. Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback, I earnestly appreciate it.
My thoughts on fun.

… or not modded, yet!
soooon ;)

All in all, I wish you the best of luck with your server. I hope you and others have tons of fun with it. It just isn't for me.
My thoughts on fun.

epic meh.
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted September 02, 2014

But then, that's the great thing about Minecraft. It lets you play the game the way you want it. What I get out of the game is totally different from what you get out of the game, but we both agree it's a great game.
Oh, one more thing in favor of mods: some of them I don't want to be without ever again, because they make up for things that are lacking in Vanilla. I don't want to play Minecraft without NEI (Not Enough Items) and some sort of mini-map with waypoints, because being lost, and having to switch out of the game every 5 minutes to look up a crafting recipe on a wiki just isn't fun.
Oh, 1.8 is officially out now!

Swims in Cobwebs
Registered: Mar 2013
From United States
Posted September 02, 2014
Updated server to 1.8 -- Bountiful Update!
For those of you just tuning in, you can find a comprehensive guide and list of changes here
BoxOfSnoo: I have a hard time playing without a map mod, but other than that, I think I prefer it vanilla... I loaded up one or two of the tech mods, but it didn't really interest me as much. I don't have all THAT much time to play, so I'd rather go in with a relatively firm grasp of all of the blocks and put them together in new and interesting ways I haven't tried yet. When you add a complex mod system like BuildCraft or Forestry or whatever, I stop trying to build interesting environments and fuss over learning all of the machines they've added in. Yeah, maps and NEI are a must, I also personally like the WAILA (What Am I Looking At?) mod and the bspkrs HUD suite. The great thing about most mods is that while they add a lot to the game, they don't take anything away from the core gameplay so, they are completely optional if you chose to ignore them. I find that this opens up an economic aspect of the game where players barter resources that they are not interested in for ones that they are. This is something that only happens when all resources are not universally desirable like they are in vanilla Minecraft.
Starting the server with 1.8 is a great way to (re)introduce new (and returning) players to Minecraft. As they become (re)acclimated, we will slowly be adding mods as they gradually become available. There will plenty of opportunity to explore all of the nuaces of the additional modded content without the learning cliff of a massive mod pack. The overarching goal is to keep it fun while creating a fresh, unique experience, one that evolves with the community :)
For those of you just tuning in, you can find a comprehensive guide and list of changes here

Starting the server with 1.8 is a great way to (re)introduce new (and returning) players to Minecraft. As they become (re)acclimated, we will slowly be adding mods as they gradually become available. There will plenty of opportunity to explore all of the nuaces of the additional modded content without the learning cliff of a massive mod pack. The overarching goal is to keep it fun while creating a fresh, unique experience, one that evolves with the community :)

Privilege de-elevation is needed
Registered: Feb 2014
From Denmark
Posted September 02, 2014
I can understand the practical need for maps (GPS or paper) to find your way in reality. But when I play a game, I want to immerse myself as much as possible in the world. So I really don't like the abstraction from the games reality that a map offer. I can se that maps are practical, but they are also the least interesting method of finding your way. I have spend a lot of time in Minecraft creating large towers with torchlight on top, so I have a landmarks that can be seen from afar. And I make sure that I know which cardinal direction I am heading at. Sometimes I get lost, and has to quickly build an earth-column to get a better overview. And it happens that I become completely lost, and have to make do with whatever place I end up at. Sometimes when I later explores the area, my earlier home suddenly shows up. To me, the risk of getting lost is part of the gameplay.

Swims in Cobwebs
Registered: Mar 2013
From United States
Posted September 02, 2014

Swims in Cobwebs
Registered: Mar 2013
From United States
Posted September 03, 2014
I was taking a handful of screenshots today to whip up some material to help spread the good word of the server and I thought you guys might enjoy the raw images. I created an album for them on imgur and I will be adding more as I progress in my endeavors. Check out what I've got so far and let me know what you think :)

Registered: Sep 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted September 08, 2014
Have a bump.

Swims in Cobwebs
Registered: Mar 2013
From United States
Posted September 12, 2014
Happy Friday!
ENR here to drop a little update
It seems the server has become a victim of it's own unexpected success! We just upgraded to beefier hardware so, if you had trouble getting a free slot before, you shouldn't now. At this rate, it won't be long before another upgrade is needed :P Over the past month our little community has more than doubled in size with great people joining us from here on GOG, the Bay 12 (Dwarf Fortress) forums and Reddit. Drop by sometime this weekend and come say, "Hi!".
ENR here to drop a little update
It seems the server has become a victim of it's own unexpected success! We just upgraded to beefier hardware so, if you had trouble getting a free slot before, you shouldn't now. At this rate, it won't be long before another upgrade is needed :P Over the past month our little community has more than doubled in size with great people joining us from here on GOG, the Bay 12 (Dwarf Fortress) forums and Reddit. Drop by sometime this weekend and come say, "Hi!".

Never really left
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted September 12, 2014
Anyone from Bay 12 is friend of mine! That's great news!