Posted March 28, 2011
Who's pushing the town onward exactly? You had three different votes on day 1 besides the final Damnation one, and all those were votes on safe unmarked targets at the time (Baz in #30, Robb in #37, Orry in #63) and in only one of the votes (Vitek voted Baz in #34 actually, supporting you - oh wait, is that buddying and now you're trying to distance him?) did you even have vote support from any other town. Your other vote was the final vote on Damnation, one that you had argued for but had not voted, whereas I did vote him with what to me was a that even he admitted [url=]2 posts after that he couldn't justify; and I'd like to think I was more of a major player in his mislynch as you were. Because I truly believed he was Mafia. I voted. Did you?
Most of what you were doing on D1, in fact, amounted to attacking him on an early comment and painting him up to look scummy, but not actually putting your money where your voice is and laying a vote on him. Until the very end when it was inevitable, after his nefarious claim. It's like you knew he was town, but wanted others to cast the mislynch. And now you're making noise and pretending to be the victim, to distance yourself from someone (Orry? Robb? Baz?) whom you WERE voting in D1, and now somehow you presume to be innocent (and are in the process of trying to convince town of) because a couple other suspects conveniently flipped town as well.
What safe bandwagons exactly did I join? Was the Damnation bandwagon safe when I called him on his slip and was the second person on his wagon? Your spot was a far 'safer' one, being the hammer vote after he had claimed scum, so I don't see where you are coming from there.
GhostQlyph: As for not pursuing the Orryyrro thing even though he's scummy: I lost a metric assload of respect for my mislynch. I still think Orryyrro is a big and easy target for as scummy as he is, but!
A: I do not want to damage the credibility of other arguments against him by butting my vote in.
And B: I can help flesh out problems people have with his posts without leading a torches-and-pitchforks mob in his direction.
And of course, C: others will lynch him just as well as I do if he IS scum, and will be less likely to pull down a mislynch if he ISN'T scum.
This is just playing it safe. I'm not about to send another townie to the gallows, and lord knows if I get involved and people LISTEN to me, that's got a nice chance of happening. When I get started, I'm not likely to back the hell off. This isn't fence-sitting? "I think/suspect/know he's scum but I don't want to vote him - others will lynch him for me if he IS scum"
So I'm Mafia because people agree with me? Wow. So if more people had agreed with your reads on D1 and voted along with you, then what? You'd vote yourself? Ludicrous, frustrating argument. You're trying to divide and conquer the town. Vote GhostQlyph
You are right on one thing though, you didn't directly mention the Damnation/Orry and investigation thing. That was from Baz's post, which you agreed with and then alluded to by guessing Orry as a Godfather. Which is of course nice and unprovable until lynched.
Most of what you were doing on D1, in fact, amounted to attacking him on an early comment and painting him up to look scummy, but not actually putting your money where your voice is and laying a vote on him. Until the very end when it was inevitable, after his nefarious claim. It's like you knew he was town, but wanted others to cast the mislynch. And now you're making noise and pretending to be the victim, to distance yourself from someone (Orry? Robb? Baz?) whom you WERE voting in D1, and now somehow you presume to be innocent (and are in the process of trying to convince town of) because a couple other suspects conveniently flipped town as well.
What safe bandwagons exactly did I join? Was the Damnation bandwagon safe when I called him on his slip and was the second person on his wagon? Your spot was a far 'safer' one, being the hammer vote after he had claimed scum, so I don't see where you are coming from there.

A: I do not want to damage the credibility of other arguments against him by butting my vote in.
And B: I can help flesh out problems people have with his posts without leading a torches-and-pitchforks mob in his direction.
And of course, C: others will lynch him just as well as I do if he IS scum, and will be less likely to pull down a mislynch if he ISN'T scum.
This is just playing it safe. I'm not about to send another townie to the gallows, and lord knows if I get involved and people LISTEN to me, that's got a nice chance of happening. When I get started, I'm not likely to back the hell off.
So I'm Mafia because people agree with me? Wow. So if more people had agreed with your reads on D1 and voted along with you, then what? You'd vote yourself? Ludicrous, frustrating argument. You're trying to divide and conquer the town. Vote GhostQlyph
You are right on one thing though, you didn't directly mention the Damnation/Orry and investigation thing. That was from Baz's post, which you agreed with and then alluded to by guessing Orry as a Godfather. Which is of course nice and unprovable until lynched.