Posted March 23, 2011

Mr Rogers FTW
Registered: Nov 2009
From United States

Registered: Aug 2009
From Canada

Registered: Feb 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted March 23, 2011
ment before you started geting votes.
Would like to hear who Zchinque and Damnation suspect.
Would like to hear who Zchinque and Damnation suspect.

And never to return...
Registered: Mar 2009
From Denmark

Too Old
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted March 24, 2011
Blimey - an 8 hour gap between posts - must be a record for this game!!
Its the return of the L -2 lynch theory, and this time Typhoon is up for the chop, lets look at the scenarios....
Typhoon is Mafia - he wont get jumped on, and quickly lynched. Mafia won't take down one of their own.
Typhoon is town, and theres at least 2 Mafia not voted for him - he could be in line for an early lynch, although I do take into account the points raised by Zchinque last time that its a bit obvious for Mafia to do so.
Typhoon is town, and at least 2 Mafia Have voted for him. This throws up a few interesting things, especially as we can compare the people who got Zchinque to 5 last time. Three people voted for both - Azarr, Bazilisek, and Ubivis.
Bazilisek - my reasons have been stated already , I think you are Mafia.
Azarr - random is as random does, you are up there on my list, but basically haven't really done much scummy.
Ubivis - neutral on you at moment. You move up my list because you're one of the three, but you haven't really done /said anyhting that strikes me as scummy either.
Looking around at others...
Zchinque - although your robust defence of the early pressure on yourself definitely improved your position with me, I didnt much like the call for age claim - any revealing of info could only be helpful to Mafia at this point in time. It seemed to go unmentioned by others as well. So you go up the list again,which is worrying , because it blows a big hole in the L-2 theory I've got going. Still, benefit of doubt for now
No-one else much is pinging my Mafia radar, except perhaps AL1 , who has gone very quiet after his early scrape when he was under suspicion.
However, lets look at Typhoon. Various people have come up with reasons for lynching, and he is a suspect to me, although not as big as Bazilisek. But, as town , we need info. A sacrifice might have to be made to get that info.
I'm well aware that this probably doesn't do me any favours and can be conceived as scummy - looking at my L-2 theory, it puts me right in the frame if hes innocent!! - but I do think we need to be proactive and take a chance.
I still believe Bazilisek to be Mafia, but..
unvote Bazilisek
vote Typhoon45
Lets see what happens next.
Its the return of the L -2 lynch theory, and this time Typhoon is up for the chop, lets look at the scenarios....
Typhoon is Mafia - he wont get jumped on, and quickly lynched. Mafia won't take down one of their own.
Typhoon is town, and theres at least 2 Mafia not voted for him - he could be in line for an early lynch, although I do take into account the points raised by Zchinque last time that its a bit obvious for Mafia to do so.
Typhoon is town, and at least 2 Mafia Have voted for him. This throws up a few interesting things, especially as we can compare the people who got Zchinque to 5 last time. Three people voted for both - Azarr, Bazilisek, and Ubivis.
Bazilisek - my reasons have been stated already , I think you are Mafia.
Azarr - random is as random does, you are up there on my list, but basically haven't really done much scummy.
Ubivis - neutral on you at moment. You move up my list because you're one of the three, but you haven't really done /said anyhting that strikes me as scummy either.
Looking around at others...
Zchinque - although your robust defence of the early pressure on yourself definitely improved your position with me, I didnt much like the call for age claim - any revealing of info could only be helpful to Mafia at this point in time. It seemed to go unmentioned by others as well. So you go up the list again,which is worrying , because it blows a big hole in the L-2 theory I've got going. Still, benefit of doubt for now
No-one else much is pinging my Mafia radar, except perhaps AL1 , who has gone very quiet after his early scrape when he was under suspicion.
However, lets look at Typhoon. Various people have come up with reasons for lynching, and he is a suspect to me, although not as big as Bazilisek. But, as town , we need info. A sacrifice might have to be made to get that info.
I'm well aware that this probably doesn't do me any favours and can be conceived as scummy - looking at my L-2 theory, it puts me right in the frame if hes innocent!! - but I do think we need to be proactive and take a chance.
I still believe Bazilisek to be Mafia, but..
unvote Bazilisek
vote Typhoon45
Lets see what happens next.

Registered: Apr 2010
From Norway
Posted March 24, 2011
@Rob: I would like to ask you to unvote. With your vote, Typhoon is L-1. As he has still no claimed, I believe it would be better if you remove your vote, and we extract a claim instead. (The reason for typically claiming at L-2 is to prevent the mafia from quicklynching a claimed cop, or similar)
After he has claimed, we analyze said claim, and if it does not reveal him to be likely town, I will have no objections to you putting your vote back on.
But voting as you have done now is an anti-town action. (Don't worry, you're still town.)
After he has claimed, we analyze said claim, and if it does not reveal him to be likely town, I will have no objections to you putting your vote back on.
But voting as you have done now is an anti-town action. (Don't worry, you're still town.)

Too Old
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted March 24, 2011

After he has claimed, we analyze said claim, and if it does not reveal him to be likely town, I will have no objections to you putting your vote back on.
But voting as you have done now is an anti-town action. (Don't worry, you're still town.)
If one of us makes a claim, does it have to be the truth?.
And, we cant force a claim can we? What if Typhoon doesnt want to play ball?

Registered: Apr 2010
From Norway
Posted March 24, 2011

After he has claimed, we analyze said claim, and if it does not reveal him to be likely town, I will have no objections to you putting your vote back on.
But voting as you have done now is an anti-town action. (Don't worry, you're still town.)

If one of us makes a claim, does it have to be the truth?.
And, we cant force a claim can we? What if Typhoon doesnt want to play ball?
And if he plain out refuses to claim, lynching is usually the next step.
He claims to avoid being lynched.
We extract claims to avoid lynching town power roles.*
*Yes, that means that vanilla claims usually end in a swift lynch**
**No, that does not mean that vanilla townies should claim to be anything else.

Too Old
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted March 24, 2011
hmmmm - i see your point, and as i am not up on the finer points of Mafia game play, I bow to your superior knowledge in this regard. Tell me though, if I refused and a lynch went through, and Typhoon turned out to be Mafia, how bad are you gonna look asking for a retraction?!!
Probably as bad as me putting him at L-1 if he turned out to be Town...;o))
More info to add to the small pile, whatever the outcome...
Typhoon45, we need a roleclaim from you good sir!
unvote Typhoon45
Probably as bad as me putting him at L-1 if he turned out to be Town...;o))
More info to add to the small pile, whatever the outcome...
Typhoon45, we need a roleclaim from you good sir!
unvote Typhoon45

Registered: Apr 2010
From Norway
Posted March 24, 2011
In my opinion - not at all! Correct play is correct play, his alignment is completely unrelated.

Too Old
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted March 24, 2011
Oh i seeeee - so because I suspect him of being Mafia, its a lot safer to extract a claim than just simply vote for him and get a quick lynch.
Gotcha now
Gotcha now

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany
Posted March 24, 2011
as for the moment, that are 2 stong suspects: Typhoon and bazilisek. Both are high in votes.
Currently, it seems to me that we are running into a no lynch, as everyone has a different favorite.
I think we all agree, that a no lynch is the worst opportunity for townies (yes, said in 3rd person, as I don't trust any claims and I don't think that no one would trust my claim as well). The possibility to lynch is the only weapon we have against the Mafia.
For me, both are suspicious enough to be mafia. Because of that, I will stick to my vote.
Currently, it seems to me that we are running into a no lynch, as everyone has a different favorite.
I think we all agree, that a no lynch is the worst opportunity for townies (yes, said in 3rd person, as I don't trust any claims and I don't think that no one would trust my claim as well). The possibility to lynch is the only weapon we have against the Mafia.
For me, both are suspicious enough to be mafia. Because of that, I will stick to my vote.

Registered: Aug 2009
From Canada
Posted March 24, 2011
Err... I hate to say this, but this is actually my *first* online (have played many offline, though) game. How do I role claim exactly? And in what format? I only ask because of the *Don't paraphrase too closely or copy/paste messages from the Mod* Rule.

And never to return...
Registered: Mar 2009
From Denmark
Posted March 24, 2011
Just write out what your role is and whether you're vanilla or have an ability.

Registered: Apr 2010
From Norway
Posted March 24, 2011

The flavour, which is what is normally most in need of paraphrasing, is (in this game) probably less important. Nice if you can take a stab at it, though.