IAmSinistar: I've got (completely legal) Amiga emulators on several devices, yet don't have the big beige doorstop itself anymore.
You do know that there is nothing in the law that prevents you to acquire and use an emulator? Well, at least not yet anyway. It`s just the games that are the murky ones; in order to legally own the digital copy, you need to have the original disk/cartridge.
IAmSinistar: Frankly the whole "physical versus digital" debate smacks of paleolithic thinking, the idea that the tangible is better than the abstract -
"rock good, spirit evil". Maybe you feel cheated when you buy something but can't hold it. I can imagine it's a real quandry for you then to go to a movie or buy a ride on a rollercoaster, since you walk away with exactly zero more tangible possessions than you started with.
I`m guessing it is the younger generation that has no problem with the concept of handling abstract "things". It`s usually an age thingy. But hey, not long ago I spoke to an elderly woman that had taken over all the financial/practical things in her house. She almost scared me when she talked about files, folders et al. Mental visualization is something many sorely lacks.
It is going to be interesting to see what solution they present to us as the final "new age computer", that will revolutionize how much faster we can work for lesser amounts of time :p