Ooo, I love this topic! I've been trying to come up with a good list of games like this. Here are my favorites:
Windosill - beautiful, surreal, and slow-paced. Perfect. One of my favorite games.
Flower - See above, although the later levels are disappointing.
Norrland - Sensing a pattern yet?
The Katamari games - The only games of any length on my list, unfortunately. Also my PS2 is busted so I need to get a new one or the PS3 game.
I've had others recommended to me that I either haven't played yet or didn't quite work for me:
Noctis IV - a bit too convoluted, but a great game
Rez - fantastic but a bit too intense for chillin'
Aquaria - too shmuppy
Knytt Stories - occasionally difficult
Flow - haven't played
The Void - great atmosphere, but I hate the mouse gesture crap
There's also The Path, if you like really really boring art games with great atmosphere.