Hmmm your after RPGs - where here is my view on some:
Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate 2 (plus expansions); I list these two together because they link together (the second is a direct contination of the first) and as older titles they are still around in shops in a bundle pack. These two games pretty much are the best RPG your going to get in terms of gameplay and story as well as for having some actual choices in things (not always polar good/bad options either as is very common). They are older games, but the depth of them is fantastic - I strongly recomend them for any RPG fan - though tricky to get used to at first, they are no pushovers, they are rewarding and offer a lot of replay value.
Heck there is nothing more fun than having 2 of your (customisable) party decide that they don't like each other (its based on who they are not random) when your right in the middle of a dungeon.
Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale 2 (plus expansion) - again an older game and in bundles with both, these games are based on the same game engine as the Baldur's Gate duo. These two are simpler games in that the story and gameplay are very linear, but the story is worth playing and character options are very wide. If you find yourself liking the Baldur's Gate games then the Icewind Dale ones are likley to be a good lighter game
Neverwinder Nights - the shipped story with this game was never that good, for a game from the same company as Baldur's Gate it was a very big letdown in the singleplayer side. These days there are a few premier campaigns which have been released which are far superiour and worth playing. With its expansions this game has a lot of character diversity though by the 2nd expansion the balance of characters starts to get a bit broken - it should be noted this game was always billed as more of a multiplayer and community support project.
Summoner - ok this is a pet like, not the most amazing graphics, but sold and a good story. A fun RPG game even if combat was a little tame when compared to some others it still have its own level of challenge. Also of all the RPGs this is one of the fewer which has a very atmospheric feel to it.
Dungeon Siege (plus expansion) - Very linear play in this and limited character building, but the loot, oh the loot, so much you need a donkey or two to drag it away - and heck the let you have them too! Its one of those games which on paper seems rather dull, but which on playing has its own level of charm. Its a good RPG hack and slash romp. The expansion adds a new story and some new spells and characters and again should be around wtih the original in a gold edition.
Dungeon Siege 2 (plus expansion) - A more pretty game than its predesssor and with some good new features such as respawning monsters which helps break up the linear gameplay. However for some reason this game does not have that same charm that the first had - its a good game and new players might find the better graphics easier to adapt to.
Diablo 2 plus expansion - Pure perfect hack and slash, combined with random map generation for each character you play as, a wide range of skills, a good story, fantastic cinematics and overall Blizzard quality finish. This is the game that pretty much rules hack and slash even today. Its a great fun and a challenging game to play. Also even though it has the same story and no storyline options its one of those titles that retains its replay value
Sacred - this is the game that tried to top Diablo 2 and sadly failed. Its characters are good and solid with a good variety of options for each, its graphics are good, its fighting is good and its equipment stats are rather complicated at first (good for stat addicts ;)) but it lacks that all important story. Sadly its very large (fixed) maps and rather poorly written and delivered story can make the game rather a bore to play. Its good fun and a good challenge certainly, but replay is not that quick.
Sacred 2 - very much like the preivous game, this one again seems to fail to deliver on the story again - its an improvement over the original and the graphics are very very pretty. Its a good hack and slash and fun to play. Though it can be a big drain in system resources when in town areas (can be detracting to play when things get jumpy).