Posted July 22, 2009

resident bff
Registered: Dec 2008
From Singapore

resident bro
Registered: Mar 2009
From United States

Registered: Jan 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted July 22, 2009
PvZ is made of pure fun. Very easy, addictive fun.
lowyhong: I think PvZ definitely deserves the hype and praise it got, more so than the overrated (imo) World of Goo
captfitz: this, and i have played both to completion.
also, braid was overrated and blow blows. that guy's a douche.
I enjoyed both World of Goo and Braid more, actually (not that the comparison is in any way useful or informative). They had a certain magic PvZ lacks completely. And better music.

also, braid was overrated and blow blows. that guy's a douche.
I enjoyed both World of Goo and Braid more, actually (not that the comparison is in any way useful or informative). They had a certain magic PvZ lacks completely. And better music.
Post edited July 22, 2009 by LordCinnamon

Ninja Detective
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norway
Posted July 22, 2009

also, braid was overrated and blow blows. that guy's a douche.
Lawdy, tell me about it. I just bought World of Goo and Braid on an Impulse offer.
The former felt like Pontifex 2, while the latter was just boring (also, it had rather horrible music).

Registered: Jan 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted July 22, 2009

also, braid was overrated and blow blows. that guy's a douche.

The former felt like Pontifex 2, while the latter was just boring (also, it had rather horrible music).
Maybe we should be arch enemies then?

resident bro
Registered: Mar 2009
From United States
Posted July 22, 2009
right? argh i know this isn't true for everyone who liked braid, or even the majority, but i hate when people will praise something just because it's artful, and not because it works well. it's easy to make something that people thing is artistic, it's entirely harder to make effective art.
incidentally, people who try too hard to be 'cultured' annoy the hell out of me.
edit: sorry for the off topic :p
Post edited July 22, 2009 by captfitz

Ninja Detective
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norway
Posted July 22, 2009

incidentally, people who try too hard to be 'cultured' annoy the hell out of me.
edit: sorry for the off topic :p
I also want to be friends now.
Haven't tried PvZ yet, but it looks somewhat more interesting than those two.

The former felt like Pontifex 2, while the latter was just boring (also, it had rather horrible music).
Maybe we should be arch enemies then?
Yarr, my arch nemesis!

New User
Registered: Jul 2009
From Netherlands
Posted July 22, 2009
Didn't bother to read. Just wanted to shout this is a must get. Lotsa fun. :)

Registered: Sep 2008
From New Zealand
Posted July 22, 2009
I think it's a huge mistake to assume people only like Braid because it's arty. It's just as a huge a mistake as it would be to like Braid because it's arty.

resident bro
Registered: Mar 2009
From United States
Posted July 22, 2009

i know i know, i made sure to make the distinction that most people don't do that in my post
it's the ones that DO that annoy me
sweet, now i can make derogatory remarks about dragons and sheep and no one can call me racist. i'll just be like "no, it's cool, one of my best friends is a sheepdragon"
Post edited July 22, 2009 by captfitz