Posted July 20, 2009

Thievin' Bastard
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland

resident bro
Registered: Mar 2009
From United States
Posted July 20, 2009

Thievin' Bastard
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland
Posted July 20, 2009

my suggestion when you encounter drm: fly fools!
"Abandon All Hope Ye Who Purchase This Software!"
Post edited July 20, 2009 by JudasIscariot

Not the Avatar
Registered: Oct 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted July 20, 2009

my suggestion when you encounter drm: fly fools!

"Abandon All Hope Ye Who Purchase This Software License" surely.
Derek Smart spouting some stuff about DRM

Crumpy Gunt
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted July 20, 2009
Yup, I read that last night. It was quite a well thought out piece, not something I entirely agreed with but all in all it was OK. That is, of course, until he said copyright infringement WAS theft and compared it to stealing a friends ferrari :\.

PGP 30E698EA
Registered: Dec 2008
From Canada
Posted July 20, 2009

Ferret lover
Registered: Dec 2008
From Mexico
Posted July 20, 2009
The killer always gets up at least once when the protagonist think he's dead.

Crumpy Gunt
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted July 20, 2009
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

Never Knows Best
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted July 20, 2009
"It's a trick. Get an axe."

Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark

sunglasses at night
Registered: Dec 2008
From New Zealand
Posted July 20, 2009
Sorry to interrupt your meme-spouting, but the article has been updated:
"Update July 20: Yes, it seemed to good to be true and it is. We just learned the the RIAA never used the word dead in its reply to the reporter. Lamy told TorrentFreak that he only said that there is almost no DRM on (downloaded) music anymore nowadays. In other (our) words: it’s an endangered species, not extinct."
"Update July 20: Yes, it seemed to good to be true and it is. We just learned the the RIAA never used the word dead in its reply to the reporter. Lamy told TorrentFreak that he only said that there is almost no DRM on (downloaded) music anymore nowadays. In other (our) words: it’s an endangered species, not extinct."

Saves The Day
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted July 20, 2009

People used to say (don't hear it much these days) that Steam wasn't DRM...
If anything DRM is worse than ever.
See further, C&C4.
I just looked up C&C4, and I think I just died a little inside. This seems like it will also carry over to Steam. Having to stay online for a single-player game is the worst idea ever, but people will see the name Command and Conquer, buy it en masse, and won't realize the DRM scheme until it's too late. Hell, maybe they won't notice at all! They're all hooked up to their giant desktop computers, getting Internet 24/7, and they won't notice the shackles that are being tightened around them!
At the same time, I do not see this failing. They released The Sims 3 so that owning a pirated copy is the same as owning a demo, and were ultimately pleased by that fact. When EA sees the number of pirated copies of C&C4 that are unable to work because they can't constantly be authenticated by a server, they'll applaud themselves for being so brilliant. Other companies will take notice, and use the same tactics. "If you want to play the game offline, you're obviously up to no good," they'll say to the gamers calling their customer support, who have anger in their voices and overwhelming disappointment in their hearts.
And as the years go by, some corporate executive will see the servers still being used for authenticating Command and Conquer 4, and they'll say to themselves, "No gamer wants to play this any more! It's old!" The server will be shut down, and the man who was once a boy, enjoying the latest fight against the Brotherhood of Nod, will be filled with sadness, for they can no longer enjoy the product they once purchased, because some money-grubbing corporate executive decided it wasn't worth his resources to give their customers their money's worth.
It will all become rentals. You can only play the games you buy on their terms, but don't even think about asking for a lower price. Games aren't considered serious art by the majority, so they won't lift a finger to regulate this madness.
And don't even think console-owners are safe, because it's slowly spreading that way, too...

Registered: Jun 2009
From Canada
Posted July 20, 2009
I am kind of a bookish nerd, so here is my opinion based on official legal documentation. <(^_^)>
It is, first, important to note that Canadian law is somewhat unique in the world for being relatively specific. Section 30.6 of the Canadian Copyright Act states the following:
Though there is no current precedent, I believe that it is only a matter of time before DRM is found to be an illegal subversion of our rights. Did I mention the fact that we, as of yet, have no equivalent to the DMCA? That is also kind of important. Bill C-60 and C-61, which were meant to put us on par with the US, both failed. Coincidentally, just today, I believe, a new proposition has manifested. I am cautiously optimistic it will also not pass but I will say no more as not to jinx it.
In closing, DRM is not dead yet, though I am confident it's days (or, more realistically, years) are numbered. If you want to read some amusing propaganda, check out the IIPA's report on Canada: we are evil, apparently. I didn't know we ate babies until I read this report. :P
It is, first, important to note that Canadian law is somewhat unique in the world for being relatively specific. Section 30.6 of the Canadian Copyright Act states the following:
It is not an infringement of copyright in a computer program for a person who owns a copy of the computer program that is authorized by the owner of the copyright to
(a) make a single reproduction of the copy by adapting, modifying or converting the computer program or translating it into another computer language if the person proves that the reproduced copy is
(i) essential for the compatibility of the computer program with a particular computer,
(ii) solely for the person’s own use, and
(iii) destroyed immediately after the person ceases to be the owner of the copy; or
(b) make a single reproduction for backup purposes of the copy or of a reproduced copy referred to in paragraph (a) if the person proves that the reproduction for backup purposes is destroyed immediately when the person ceases to be the owner of the copy of the computer program.
(a) make a single reproduction of the copy by adapting, modifying or converting the computer program or translating it into another computer language if the person proves that the reproduced copy is
(i) essential for the compatibility of the computer program with a particular computer,
(ii) solely for the person’s own use, and
(iii) destroyed immediately after the person ceases to be the owner of the copy; or
(b) make a single reproduction for backup purposes of the copy or of a reproduced copy referred to in paragraph (a) if the person proves that the reproduction for backup purposes is destroyed immediately when the person ceases to be the owner of the copy of the computer program.
Though there is no current precedent, I believe that it is only a matter of time before DRM is found to be an illegal subversion of our rights. Did I mention the fact that we, as of yet, have no equivalent to the DMCA? That is also kind of important. Bill C-60 and C-61, which were meant to put us on par with the US, both failed. Coincidentally, just today, I believe, a new proposition has manifested. I am cautiously optimistic it will also not pass but I will say no more as not to jinx it.
In closing, DRM is not dead yet, though I am confident it's days (or, more realistically, years) are numbered. If you want to read some amusing propaganda, check out the IIPA's report on Canada: we are evil, apparently. I didn't know we ate babies until I read this report. :P

damaged lemon
Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada
Posted July 20, 2009

He said 'neighbour', as in, a neighbour you did not know -- I misunderstood at first, too. :)

my suggestion when you encounter drm: fly fools!

You guys are hilarious.
Post edited July 20, 2009 by chautemoc