Posted March 24, 2011

Go back over the forums and find a thread about DA:O or Mass Effect 2 and you will find people comparing what they did or discussing builds or parties but in this thread? Nada. Dudes did you save Isabela? Yes we fought the Qunari. Dudes did Isabela run off? Yes we fought the Qunari. Dudes did you get the respect of the Arishok? Yes... we fought the Qunari...
See the problem? And that is only one example of almost every main quest that has the same solution no matter what you do. It truly is a first for a Bioware game.
The real question is how a developer like Bioware could be pressured to release a game like this. Do they feel proud? Do they feel shame? Do they laugh at us while they snort coke and bang prostitutes? I really don't know. And doesn't this concern anyone waiting for ME3? Because I am concerned. I never had much hope for Old Republic so I'll be filled with "meh" should it turn out like this.
I believe you said at one point that this would be an okay effort from some other developers. And perhaps it is okay compared to Gothic 4 or something, but that's like saying, "Hey Heinlen, I thought your book was ass, but then I read this so-so trash fantasy novel and it's better than that, so good job!" No, if I read Heinlen, I expect it to be good.
I suspect we'd all forgive them if the whole thing didn't feel like a cash in, but that's what it does feel like, am I wrong?