Posted February 22, 2011

Torched idiot
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland
Posted February 22, 2011
Ok I finished the demo...
I don't know if it's a bug or if it's on purpose but if you set your companion to passive... they are really passive, meaning that if you ask them to attack an enemy... they will attack it... once or twice... then stop! Or start start running around not doing anything even though they are on passive & hold.
You have to reselect them, and re-ask them to attack the same enemy you already told them to attack and hope they will actually attack him once you unpause...
I also don't know who is the wise guy who thought it was a good idea to lock the camera on a character.. that they removed the top view it's one thing but they could at least let you move the camera freely. Here if you are far or don't have a good view you have to select a character, move it, un-pause, wait for it to move, re-pause and the assign it it's target. And the fact that you have tons of enemy in melee doesn't help selecting the one you want especially if you are a mage and want to freeze or whatever a specific enemy.
I don't know if it's a bug or if it's on purpose but if you set your companion to passive... they are really passive, meaning that if you ask them to attack an enemy... they will attack it... once or twice... then stop! Or start start running around not doing anything even though they are on passive & hold.
You have to reselect them, and re-ask them to attack the same enemy you already told them to attack and hope they will actually attack him once you unpause...
I also don't know who is the wise guy who thought it was a good idea to lock the camera on a character.. that they removed the top view it's one thing but they could at least let you move the camera freely. Here if you are far or don't have a good view you have to select a character, move it, un-pause, wait for it to move, re-pause and the assign it it's target. And the fact that you have tons of enemy in melee doesn't help selecting the one you want especially if you are a mage and want to freeze or whatever a specific enemy.

New User
Registered: Aug 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted February 22, 2011
I just want to clear something up very quickly if there's any confusion regarding it. If you're worried about auto-attack not being enabled for the full version on consoles, you shouldn't worry. Quote is below with a link:
From Seb:
The final implementation for auto-attack on console is actually a toggle
in the options menu, if I recall correctly. You don't have to open the
radial menu every time. This may not be present in the demo build, but
don't worry, it's there in the final game.
From Seb:
The final implementation for auto-attack on console is actually a toggle
in the options menu, if I recall correctly. You don't have to open the
radial menu every time. This may not be present in the demo build, but
don't worry, it's there in the final game.
Post edited February 22, 2011 by DavidGil

Not Merry
Registered: Sep 2008
From Ireland
Posted February 22, 2011
Sidenote: It's nice to see the BioWare forums are arguing about the important things. Like Isabella's arse being too big aparently.

New User
Registered: Aug 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted February 22, 2011

Edit: Off-topic I know, but to save a new thread, there's a new video with Laidlaw being posted on Gamespot in about 13 minutes. One of their now playing thingies.
Post edited February 22, 2011 by DavidGil

Deeply Shallow
Registered: Aug 2009
From Australia
Posted February 22, 2011
Its a clumsily crippled demo.
Tactics, my favourite feature, are well fucked. It bugs out and prevents using them completely after you set a single condition. You have to set something, exit tactics, enter tactics, set the next bit, over and over just to get past the shitty crippling they did on the menu system as a whole.
The no-friendly-fire was a bit of a stick in the eye. Whats the point of such a limited demo? Its like looking at screenshots or gameplay videos. Doesn't do a damn thing to tell me if the game plays like I want to. I didn't learn anything new by playing it.
Tactics, my favourite feature, are well fucked. It bugs out and prevents using them completely after you set a single condition. You have to set something, exit tactics, enter tactics, set the next bit, over and over just to get past the shitty crippling they did on the menu system as a whole.
The no-friendly-fire was a bit of a stick in the eye. Whats the point of such a limited demo? Its like looking at screenshots or gameplay videos. Doesn't do a damn thing to tell me if the game plays like I want to. I didn't learn anything new by playing it.

New User
Registered: Aug 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted February 22, 2011
Friendly fire's only enabled on the higher difficulties. (Might be the highest difficulty only, not sure.)
Think the main purpose of the demo was to show the combat as that's what concerned people the most, I think.
And people over on their forums are thinking the game unfolds the way the demo does story-wise etc... and they're expecting dialog to change a lot in the intro...
Like I said... pretty much a cesspit. Not to mention the comparisons to other games and trolling.
Anyways, i tried the PC version myself and enjoyed it. Plays similarly to Origins, with the exception of a faster combat speed and different animations. Of course, not being able to pull the camera as far back is also a difference.
Think the main purpose of the demo was to show the combat as that's what concerned people the most, I think.
And people over on their forums are thinking the game unfolds the way the demo does story-wise etc... and they're expecting dialog to change a lot in the intro...
Like I said... pretty much a cesspit. Not to mention the comparisons to other games and trolling.
Anyways, i tried the PC version myself and enjoyed it. Plays similarly to Origins, with the exception of a faster combat speed and different animations. Of course, not being able to pull the camera as far back is also a difference.
Post edited February 22, 2011 by DavidGil

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted February 22, 2011
Well, I fucking loved it.
In short it is exactly what I thought after finally seeing PC footage a couple months ago: Dragon Age Origins but faster and more tactile. It's still very much a tactical RPG, at least on PC, and even the graphics are very appealing to me now.
Fucking awesome. That is all.
In short it is exactly what I thought after finally seeing PC footage a couple months ago: Dragon Age Origins but faster and more tactile. It's still very much a tactical RPG, at least on PC, and even the graphics are very appealing to me now.
Fucking awesome. That is all.

New User
Registered: Aug 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted February 22, 2011

In short it is exactly what I thought after finally seeing PC footage a couple months ago: Dragon Age Origins but faster and more tactile. It's still very much a tactical RPG, at least on PC, and even the graphics are very appealing to me now.
Fucking awesome. That is all.
My only criticisms really are that the loading time for convos etc. can get in the way, but it's no biggie. Other than that, demo was a bit too easy compared to Origins and I played that game on normal. It's no biggie again though, as the difficulty can be turned up. And it'a probably harder on the same setting later on.
Post edited February 22, 2011 by DavidGil

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted February 22, 2011
Just installed and played a quick few minutes worth. So far I hate the goddamned camera changes, but it may only be a matter of getting used to it, so I'm not forming a final judgment yet. Oddly, during the cut scenes, there's no voice. Music plays fine, but the voices are not playing at all. So I have no idea what the hell's going on in the cutscenes. I went into the options and enabled subtitles, but don't have time to play more as of yet. I'll see if I can get the voices rolling later. If not, I'll go under the assumption that it's a glitch with the demo only and obviously not indicative of the game itself.

Not Merry
Registered: Sep 2008
From Ireland
Posted February 22, 2011

Then again people are saying DX11 options and very high detail can be set in the ini files but with no screenshots to prove it I would call this a lie.

Registered: Nov 2010
From Bulgaria
Posted February 22, 2011
Great demo!
Awesome graphics atleast on the party members. Only two maps from the world, so can't say about it..
I love the look over the player, not too far, exactly how I like it.
The story got me from the start, love when my char is a refugee and is chased.
Auto-Attack animations are good too.
The demo ran flawlessly on my 2 core AMD processor, 3GB ram and 5770 Radeon card.
I wasn't a fan of the first DA, althou I played it and the expansion, but this demo hooked me.
Sorry to all, but female characters look so awesome from old to younger ones. I wasn't planning to preorder the game, but now I might do it.
The only thing I am afraid is that some people say it will be shorter than the first DA:O and no modding tools.
Awesome graphics atleast on the party members. Only two maps from the world, so can't say about it..
I love the look over the player, not too far, exactly how I like it.
The story got me from the start, love when my char is a refugee and is chased.
Auto-Attack animations are good too.
The demo ran flawlessly on my 2 core AMD processor, 3GB ram and 5770 Radeon card.
I wasn't a fan of the first DA, althou I played it and the expansion, but this demo hooked me.
Sorry to all, but female characters look so awesome from old to younger ones. I wasn't planning to preorder the game, but now I might do it.
The only thing I am afraid is that some people say it will be shorter than the first DA:O and no modding tools.

Registered: Oct 2008
From Portugal
Posted February 22, 2011
UI is terrible: It looks bad, period. Everything is tiny on a big monitor. I guess i found a reason to use pause, i have to pause to make sure i'm clicking on the right portrait when switching characters.
Insonsistencies, inconsistencies, inconsistencies: New hurlock and ogre design makes me wanna puke. Flemeth looks ok but since this Flemeth and DAO's Flemeth are contemporary one has to wonder what the hell happened. Same for the darkspawn actually. Oh well, long live the horned Qunari i guess.
Animations and FX: i'll just skip this times i couldn't tell if it was a DA game or a SW game.
Combat: Action oriented was a 'kind' description actually. Didn't bothered levelling up, didn't bothered with the tactics screen, didn't switch characters, nada. Everybody kept spamming their AoE's and that was that, kinda reminded me of Witch Hunt with a 35 lvl char, just let eveybody do their thing and all will be over in a minute. Pause is redundant now. Like i said in the other thread, anyone looking for a 'proper' playthrough combat wise will have to tackle nightmare due to the lack of FF option.
Graphics: They seem ok, but they already seemed ok to me in DAO, i'm no graphics whore.
Dialogues: Well, it's ME meets Thedas, everybody knew that. The demo isn't enough to see how the new dialogue system impacts on characters' depth.
VA: F Hawke seems to be ok. Have yet to check out M Hawke. No complains regarding the remaining cast but there aren't enough lines in the demo to get a proper feel.
Tech: No crashes, no stuttering, no slowdows, no glitches.
A big thumbs up to Bioware for putting out a demo, regardless of how one feels about the game a demo is always much appreciated.
Insonsistencies, inconsistencies, inconsistencies: New hurlock and ogre design makes me wanna puke. Flemeth looks ok but since this Flemeth and DAO's Flemeth are contemporary one has to wonder what the hell happened. Same for the darkspawn actually. Oh well, long live the horned Qunari i guess.
Animations and FX: i'll just skip this times i couldn't tell if it was a DA game or a SW game.
Combat: Action oriented was a 'kind' description actually. Didn't bothered levelling up, didn't bothered with the tactics screen, didn't switch characters, nada. Everybody kept spamming their AoE's and that was that, kinda reminded me of Witch Hunt with a 35 lvl char, just let eveybody do their thing and all will be over in a minute. Pause is redundant now. Like i said in the other thread, anyone looking for a 'proper' playthrough combat wise will have to tackle nightmare due to the lack of FF option.
Graphics: They seem ok, but they already seemed ok to me in DAO, i'm no graphics whore.
Dialogues: Well, it's ME meets Thedas, everybody knew that. The demo isn't enough to see how the new dialogue system impacts on characters' depth.
VA: F Hawke seems to be ok. Have yet to check out M Hawke. No complains regarding the remaining cast but there aren't enough lines in the demo to get a proper feel.
Tech: No crashes, no stuttering, no slowdows, no glitches.
A big thumbs up to Bioware for putting out a demo, regardless of how one feels about the game a demo is always much appreciated.

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted February 22, 2011

Then again people are saying DX11 options and very high detail can be set in the ini files but with no screenshots to prove it I would call this a lie.
Anyway DX11 did load a lot faster.

Not Merry
Registered: Sep 2008
From Ireland
Posted February 22, 2011
They do at least have that covered. David Gaider was asked about that and he said she's a shapeshifter and can look anyway she likes. This is kinda confirmed when you ask Morrigan in DA:O if she can shapeshift into other human forms and she replies something along the lines of "I gain nothing from it".