JudasIscariot: The Wii disappointed me. I grew up with Nintendo and SNES and I kept hoping they would grow up with me. Unfortunately, Nintendo seems too focused for games for teenagers/tweens and party gamers. Sure, the Wii might have like 5 titles that may be for the mature gamer but when you can get the same title on a different console with more power why the hell would you want it on a Wii?
My thoughts when I looked through the Wii's catalogue...
"looks too kiddie.....platformer....platformer.....surprise! another platformer.....Zelda #9000, Mario 10,000,000.......too many bright freaky colors that we will never see in nature unless someone blows up a neon paint factory.......gay.....gayer.....oh my god just touching this game is infecting me with fail....screw this I am going back to the PC section....."
Bu the thing is that you can't get those games on other consoles, you can't get No More Heroes, you can't get Deadly Creatures, Mad World, Tenchu SA. Yes, I agree that the library is lacking, but for some reason this last month I have really wanted a Wii. If anything it's the games in the other systems that I can get on PC, ie. Mirror's Edge, Dead Space, etc... And most of console exclusives I don't really care for, with obvious exceptions such as Little Big Planet or something like that. I don't even know why I bother talking about it, it's not like I have nearly enough money to buy anything new :( I still love my PS2 and feel like there's a tonne of games for cheap that I haven't gotten.