It has been mentioned allready, everybody on the LAN can use the same install file and you're all able to play it in LAN (if theres no unique key).
I have the same problem, I realy would like to play UT 2004 on the next lan but I'm the only person who has a working copy from gog. But for me it doesn't feel right to spread the UT 2004 installer around, I think everybody who wants to play a game should buy his own copy.
I thought about giving my friends the installer but to delete the installer and games after 1-2 hours UT. If they want more UT they have to buy it by themself. I think it's just fair to gog and the developers. Besides it's very important for the future of gog. If most people start giving their games to their friends other publishers might not want to publish their games on gog and we will miss many other games. So I try to support gog as much as I can. I have a dream, that one day I can find all classic games from the 90s and the early 200x here :).
If you're looking for an arcade racer, you should take a look at Flatout (link to the demo ). With its mini games its great on LANs and its just $ 5,99. So it will be easier to convince your friends to buy it :).