Magmarock: 360 was was around $600 with a 1 year warranty at first, long loading times and most games will last you around a five hours. Most of all had a faultily rate of over 60% yet people still kept buying it.
Neobr10: Not true. The 360 was U$399 at release for the premium version and U$299 for the arcade version. "Most games will last you around 5 hours". Now, where did you take that from? Not every game is COD, you know? And even then, people do not buy COD for the SP campaign, they buy it for MP. Not to mention that these "5 hour games" are also released on PCs, which makes your point even more stupid than it already it.
Anyway, time to stop feeding the troll.
COD is the highest selling and most popular games for the consoles. The way it's designed has crossed over in other genres (Son of Rome for example) I think what you meant to say is people "shouldn't" buy COD for it's single player. However its' marketed as a single player game and priced at once to boot.