kneekoo2: Congratulations, hansschmucker! I had high hopes from this contest but there will be other chances. I guess reputation also matters in here. What surprised me was the choice of the image. It's not a high quality one, as requested. But anyway, I'm not a judge. *sigh*
I have to admit that I often didn't get the joke in the ones you posted... maybe yours were just too subtle. Anyway: I've uploaded all the ones that were posted again and I'd really love to hear which ones others preferred and why. To me these were also funny:
#1 by Aliasalpha
Mainly because I'm a PS3 owner and it's fun to see how PC gamers see console gamers. Also, it had nice fonts :)
#5 by ElPixelIlustre
Well, it's simply true.
#10 by fabrulana
Because it put into words what I and probably most others saw that decoration.
#13 by FatalKitsu
The joke is simple, but what can I say besides: It works (and again it has nice fonts)
#14/#15 based on Gexecuter's
Well, it's a simple joke combined with roleplay bashing, how could I not like that?
#27 by kneekoo2
Honestly don't know why, but it made me laugh.