boct1584: Just a random thought. The only Linux distro I've ever used is Slax, for hacking In The Groove 2 arcade cabinets, so I don't really know anything about what the Linux distros that'll be included can and can't do.
Running an older version of Windows might work for Windows GOGs.
Oh holy crap sir/ma'am, have I got some wonderful news for you!
There's stuff intended for wall wart comps and stuff intended for high end development workstations. Linux Mint 12 is probably the easiest way to get started on a desktop (without even installing anything) but take a gander at Damn Small Linux (DSL) and then go look at insane fucking hackers like these guys are doing for seriously custom installs: (if anyone thinks that link is not kosher I'll remove it, or won't be offended if a mod does, I just think the tech is fucking awesome). That's just a small team, how about a custom DVR (aka Tivo): or the guys that that mythtv was "too hard": or the guys that wanted Myth on top of Ubuntu:
This isn't vanilla ice cream, this is 1001 flavors! The dark side may have cookies, we have everything (including cookies)!