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For me there were few of them
Shotgun from Blackthorne (sound, how it works... upgrades... punch... pure awesomeness)
Pistol from Blade Runner (Westwood game) - heavy pistol with great punch! Perfect weapon - hevy but if you get use to it you cant life without it! Also it was a .223 pistol from Fallout but original is a Blade Runner gun.
Lawgiver from Judge Dredd (this gun was sooo awesome! From Judge Dredd mod for Half Life to Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs. Death!!!!! it was useful in every single situations!)
Lasgun (from many games from W40k world) - perfect for every situations. If run out of charges you can get some easily. If not put your mag into fire - it will charge up.
Plasma from DooM → much more useful than BFG according to me. Much more versatile. Faster, not so destructive (you can use those barrels later with more enemies). Wont eat up so much ammo.
And those are just few I can figure out now. I think in most games Assault Rifle is my fav for its usefulness in most of situations.
Post edited June 15, 2009 by Skreczi
Skreczi: Shotgun from Blackthorne (sound, how it works... upgrades... punch... pure awesomeness)

One of my favorite games ever. Yeah, that shotgun was fantastic.
Skreczi: Pistol from Blade Runner (Westwood game) - heavy pistol with great punch! Perfect weapon - hevy but if you get use to it you cant life without it! Also it was a .223 pistol from Fallout but original is a Blade Runner gun.

I haven't played Blade Runner, unfortunately. I hope the GOG guys are working to change that... are you? ;-)
The RCP-90 in Goldeneye.
The drunk missile in Rise of the Triad, and other similar automatic multirockets seen in games such as Duke 3D, Crusader: No Remorse, and Jet Force Gemini.
Fallout and Fallout 2 had lots of awesome guns, like the .223 pistol, the turbo plasma rifle, and the YK-32B pulse rifle.
I also liked the guns in Fear. They were just typical military hardware, but they were nice and loud and heavy. It always kinda bugs me when I fire a revolver in a game and it sounds like someone snapping a twig. I guess if you make them too loud it interferes with the rest of the sound in the game, though.
Post edited June 15, 2009 by Mentalepsy
The double-barreled shotgun from doom2.
To me its the perfect implementation of a weapon in a fps.
It kinda sucks at long range and the reload is slow enough that you can't spam it. You will find yourself holding back and waiting for the perfect shot. When you get that perfect shot its devastating.
Nothing beats strafing around like a madman in doom2 and trying to line up the perfect shotgun blast that will drop your opponent right to their knees, blood pouring out from their neck. When its done right it kinda feels like jousting, they miss, you hit, and you are already so close that you will be moving past them as their body hits the floor.
Post edited June 15, 2009 by Lenny
Going to have to go with the assualt rifle in the AVP games, the sound it makes it pure liquid awesome.
Some awesome suggestions, I got to agree that getting a gun feeling right is important to games design. My pick is for the 14mm Pistol from Fallout 1 and 2. There is something about it which makes me exceptionally excited.
I was totally bummed when I found out it was never added to Fallout 3 'officially'
The Devastator from Duke Nukem 3D. Whenever i have a memory of playing duke as a kid, for some reason its always of me owning face with the Devastator..
I want to say the Silenced D5K Deutsche from Goldeneye, but I'll go with the KF7 Soviet.
It had a great combination of accuracy, thudding, powerful shots and a satisfying sound too! I loved that you could get really accurate shots when you tapped the trigger, and then just indiscriminately mow people down with the trigger held!
Also, the Laptop Gun from Perfect Dark! Good god! Nice and powerful, but the feature to set it up as a turret to cover you..! "DIE MEAT SIM!" :P
EDIT: Also, the Sniper Rifle from Halo. Beautifully implemented in my opinion.
Post edited June 15, 2009 by Nel-A
Best Gun Ever!
best_gun.jpg (29 Kb)
I like Sam's gun from the newish Sam and Max games simply because it's useless.
i have never had more fun than with the gun from painkiller that shoots shurikens and lightning. man that made for a good episode of zero punctuation.
Anything that shoots people. I really don't care about guns and their design.
Well, OK, the M4 SOPMOD in Call of Duty 4 was pretty cool. And that camoed MP5 in Bad Company was awesome.
The pump action shotgun from GTAIV.
That's the most recent gun that impressed me. When I first fired it, the sound really made an impact on me. Yes, it's a boring old shotgun, but when you walk up to someone and let loose, it's just, wow.
On another note, the Turbo Plasma rifle from Fallout. Crits FTW!
The BFG 9000 really set the standard.
I'm partial to the guns from Fallout 3, especially the Railway Gun and the Xuanlong Assault Rifle. The sound design for the weapons is excellent and really gives them a sense of heft and presence.
I really like the Railway Rifle from Fallout 3. The train whistle makes every shot so satisfying. Plus, nailing someones decapitated head through the eye into the wall will never get old.
Post edited June 16, 2009 by lotr-sam0711