Michagogi23: nah i did not miss the original post. this discussion also comes up in europe often times. im kind of torn between the arguments. if we're being realistic all that is being proposed is to block child porn sites as far as Europe is concerned. the counter argument of course is the theory that this will lead to further censorship that may cause conflict with freedom of speech. i'm generally against censorship, but i'm also against what is currently happening where every third 13 year old kid has seen the girls with the cup, if you get my drift.
The catch is, the violation of a chld is as likely, if not more likely, to happen out on the street. Just recently we had a Spaniard arrested for kissing three little kids on the lips.. In a McDonalds...That wasn't empty.
Here's the other catch.. Being realistic is fine. Not knowing
exactly what will be filtered, is not fine. The government has made no effort to shine any light on this. And considering that the majority of people are against this policy, the fact that it seems to still be going ahead
should ring alarm bells.
I agree, children need protecting. Ultimately, that's the job of a parent, not the government. And the catchphrase, "think of the children" is getting old. Video game classification as an example. It's inconsistent, and without an 18+ rating,
a lot of games are being classified, unmodified, as 15+.
Where's the logic in that?
Left 4 Dead 1 was classified 15+ without modification, but the sequal was refused classification until it was sanitisied to an unacceptable point. Why one, and not the other?
Here's something I found funny... The classification board refers to the enemies in L4D as, more or less, "zombies". In the case of L4D2, they are referred to as "infected humans". Which they had a problem with. But, you know, blowing the limbs off Japanese and German troops in World at War is fine. What? They weren't human?
Giving up freedoms, and expecting those in power to protect you, is as good as wearing a ten foot bullseye.
The "theory" that it will lead further, isn't a theory. Again, China as an example. Speaking or writing about events within your own country equates to "divulging state secrets"?
Those 13 year olds you mentioned? Their parents need a severe kick in the reproductive organs so they can't have any more offspring. Install some parental control software. Or, this one is so far fetched it's laughable,
monitor your children.