Sazanamistyle: Oh boy. You've opened the floodgates. Prepare for the stupid negative joke posts about how somebody's an expert on an entire country's output of games because they've only played the minority that have been translated. This will especially be rich in terms of RPGs, where the generalizations are laughably untrue. But hey, ignorance about other countries is an eternal human constant, so what can I say?
If you want the best of Japanese games you can play in English, these days you're going to need a handheld, whether that's a tablet or phone, or the Vita/3DS or even the holder PSP/DS. Right now, for instance, there are all sorts of small Japanese games being sold digitally on the Vita and 3DS shops that absolutely compare to the rich originality of PC indie gaming.
Unfortunately, because as you state, there's a certain brain-dead follow the leader mentality going on in console gaming and a lot of console gamers seem to be caught up in that, not as many of the standouts get translated. For instance, there's still no confirmation of translation for the Yokai Watch games, which are utterly fantabulous RPGs about a kid who solves everyday problems in his town caused by mischief-making spirits. It's original, creative and innovative in all the ways a generation-defining masterpiece should be, but it has very little perception outside Japan. (That's 3DS, by the way.)
Since you're on GOG, though, you probably won't scoff too much at picking up a DS or PSP for old games, and there are more fantastic RPGs on those platforms than you could probably play in a lifetime. Also, because it seems like you might have an interest in old games, the 3DS' virtual console is great for that, but more than that M2 along with Sega has made the Sega 3D Classics one of the best reasons to own the 3DS. There are currently 11 games in the series and they are all faithfully recreated from old console and arcade classics, with awesome 3D quirks that replicate the TVs and arcade cabinets of those days. Wish you could have the experience of playing on old tube TVs with their curved monitors and scanlines again? There's an option for that. Wish you could emulate the experience of swerving left or right on an arcade cabinet complete with the squeaks of the hinges in the cabinet emulated? There's an option for that. Sonic, Bare Knuckle, Space Harrier, Outrun, Shinobi. It's utterly glorious and probably one of the greatest tributes to retro gaming the history of forever. Depending on how well a packaged version does in Japan this year, the collection may also continue to other games in the future too!
In short, portables and in particular the 3DS provide many of the peaks of Japanese-designed games these days, but you may have to have the Japanese version to get all the games you want and know a little Japanese to be able to play them.

RyanDodd: Nintendo 2ds, Psp (which I hacked to play emulators and fan translated PSP iso's of never released in the West Japanese games.) I also have a Ps Vita a PS3 and high end Pc of course. I'm gifting my 2DS to my sister for Christmas because I find the games to cutesy and child-like for my taste. I prefer the Vita.
I'm all too aware of the anti-'weeb' attitude since I run an anime, manga, and Japanese games reporting site. The hurr durr 'I've seen enough anime to know where this is going' jokes along with general retardation to anything that isn't call of booty modern welfare 7 and cheeseburgers is what you can expect from any the majority of console gamers. Hopefully not here, but I've got at least 25 more comments to read..
Elmofongo: Speaking of Japanese games. Why is everyone saying console gaming in Japan is declining because of Mobile gaming and is saying that Final Fantasy XV (and only XV) will either save it or doom it?
Out of all japanese games why FFXV? Completely ignoring everything else?
My sources:
RyanDodd: Because hipster 'journalists' say JRPG's and Japanese games in general are dead once every 3 months because you know otherwise they might have to do some real reporting where they do scary things like maybe speak to said developers first hand.
They almost never do that.
snowkatt: probably because final fantasy is huge in japan second only to dragon quest
its also an example of everything thats wrong
inflated budget
inflated developmetn cycle
over empahsis on "cinematic presentation"
probably utterly linear
and square enix has been remarkably tone deaf with the whole ff 13 disaster ( pushing out 3 games ina series that was almost universially reviled )
if ff 15 goes bust it migth cause a mini crash and maybe budgets and games will dwindle and try less to be "cinematic" course this is just conjecture
and i am probably wrong i dont like final fantasy or jrpg's in general anyway
too much grinding too many random encounters and i dont care for the melodramatic stories either
or the fact that the protagonist ususally a sullen 15 year old spikey haired arechtype who angsts a lot
i do miss the quirky games that come out of japan though
i never cared for online multiplayer or fps games
....mayeb ill dig my saturn out instead
RyanDodd: JRPGs do tend to have a lot of emo kids and boring as shit grinding it's true.
But then FPS's are full of terrible features these days and I still play a handful.
snowkatt: i hate random encounters
its infuriating that i cant take 2 steps with out being hit by 3 enemies
and i hate grinding too its dull boring monotonous and just a means to aritificially pad the length of a game
RyanDodd: I look up a games features to see if it has random ecounters, if it does I won't buy it.
A lot of games don't have it, and use a system where you can see the enemies and then choose to engage in combat by going near them or getting a critical first strike etc.
Those same hipster journalist keeps scaring me about the death of handheld gaming because of mobile gaming.