Ziophaelin: The animations are awesome, BECAUSE they are functional :P So sayeth the man who drew them.
Smannesman: That's actually a really bad statement for a developer, you're saying you're in awe because something is actually functional... :P
HAHA! That is not what I meant by that. What I mean is the animations 1st and foremost support game-play first. Meaning often frames are limited for ideal timing and actions required for the game to "feel" good.
An example that comes to mind would be something like Street Fighter with snappy animations and sometimes poses that snap quickly into place or have limited frames for the sake of timing to feel awesome... VS. Something like Tekken where it feels like you are battling your opponent with wet noodles because the game is animation driven 1st and game-play second. I hope I made more sense there.
Definitely did not cut corners I drew almost 3,000 frames of animations for this game, but only what I needed to. In any case, I hope you guys dig it. :)