acare84: We have America's Army 3 now and it also have preload option and will contain Steam Achievements too. Finally it is free, I think it is good but I haven't played first two. By the way I added it to my list. :)
The first two were also free. The only reason they're calling it AA 3 is to pump it up as a sequel. AA 1 and 2 were the same thing, just updated versions of the game (They referred to the second as AA v2) though this one looks to be an overhaul.
Weclock: I'll get it when they lower the price.
I'm guessing you didn't like it before? Sure, it was frustrating at times, but it felt like a fun shooter. Also, it was very cool that to be a medic in the game, you had to take classes in the game to learn real-world information (the other tests to gain specialties were also great, but the medic training in particular stuck out to me).