Posted April 16, 2014

edit: crap, can't seem to find it. If only the search function allowed to search by date... Anyway, mine's was a story about one fellow who got drunk one night (can't even remember his username because I can't find the thread: sorry!), and decided to spread his joy by donating multiple copies of System Shock 2. It wasn't just a few, I think he gave away at least, like, ten or a dozen copies or so. Everyone wanted a piece of that joy. And the following morning, once the guy had sobered up, he looked over the damage he'd done to his wallet and swore to never get drunk again :D I know, there's tons of similar stories but I thought it was really funny when he posted all those codes, and later when he found out just how much money he had spent. But hey, unlike in most drunken hazes, at least this time a lot of people got happy because of it.
Post edited April 16, 2014 by DProject