Momo1991: Ok, I'm gonna collect entries in the next few minutes and send them off to the winners and their respective gifters. ;-p
Sachys: considering yer post was 52 minutes ago - i think its maybe a good thing you didnt do 400 posts! heheh!
Exactly! Winners posted soon ;-p
Cherry Tree High There were 24 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Aniki - sent!
Cargo Commander - thank-you Afnord ;-) There were 7 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Daynov - sent!
Vigil: Blood Bitterness There were 5 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Lifthrasil for tAnt0 - sent!
King Arthur's Gold plus Multiplayer There were 7 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Lugum - sent!
Gumboy - Crazy Adventures - thank you, Spinorial There were 3 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Braussie - sent!
For the GOG gifts - three rolls of the list produced the following three winners - those three were randomized to give the $9.99 winner and the two $5.99 winner ;-) - Thank you, nightrunner227, IAmSinistar and NameGoo! There were 3 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Samlii for Aluinie
Winners and gifters have been contacted and given links to each other!
Phew - almost as hard as cookie counting ;-p