I will take this thread as the 3 furthest gaming memories I can remember.
First, I remember playing a 2D game with snake based gameplay. But you controlled a train and had to collect all things in the level without running into a wall or your wagons. The wagon (segment) would look differently based on what you picked up. This might be the first game I have ever played. The game was made by a Czech guy and was called simply "Vlak" (Train in english). And I have no idea how old I was but it was most likely before I was 6.
Probably playing Duke Nukem 3D demo (first episode) when on visits to my uncle at his PC. I was around 6 or 7 years old I think.
Playing and watching my older cousin play Doom 2 and Carmaggeddon when I was about 8. I also remember playing Rayman 2 and getting stuck because I didn't know I had to go back to one of the earlier level and get an elixir for Clark (I didn't know much if any english back then).
I still remember my mother confiscating the GTA2 CD when she found out that I had been playing it. I still have no idea where the CD ended up :D.
DadJoke007: My biggest gripe with Diablo 3 was the lack of necromancer. Sure, it's there now, but I've already moved on to Torchlight II. It's like the ex girlfriend who comes to her senses and restore her boobs to the natural state after having them reduced, the damage is already done and I've moved on.
And yes, that's the best comparison I cold come up with. And yes, it's terrible.
That made me laugh out loud. :D Have a +.