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1. Developers act like god. "not responsible ever for anything even when the writing is on the wall"
2. Developers that are caught red handed "thread deleted, no apology, user banned"
3. Social politics that have no place in real life. "i came to address a developer, not dress up in drag"
4. Having to argue with the 5 guard dogs that a developer keeps on his/her forum.
5. having staff that know less than the end user does.
6. takes steam 6 months to read the reports on your account so you sit banned while they ignore context, read whatever keeps you banned while ignoring blatant suffering of a end user.
7. once your account has enough trouble your stuck banned even when you have not actually broken any real rules.
8. everyone treats you like trash and knows more than you shared. "sharing biased data with each other..."
9. refunds.. my lord in heaven know that people are making games... like real jerks.
DOOM ETERNAL FOR EXAMPLE... good lord how do you make such a pile of kiddies crap.... and call it doom..
a 5 year old would play it and go MINECRAFT... WHILE DROOL DRIPS FROM HIS MOUTH.
since when is doom for lil kiddo's?

10. online play... i have no had a friend ever since it's introduction.
it killed lan play forever and did not bring people closer.
it did however bring all the data developers need to exploit to their door step at my cost in data, power and processing wasted and were paying for games that do this all the time.
and their leaving bigger and bigger backdoors into their code..

i'm playing LoL and suddenly a 24MB exe shows up in the game folder during play.. and the contents is.. a full on root kit....HOW? Why? WHAT THE HELL JUST LEAVE ME BE..

last but not least... bending backward morally to appease social political agenda's that lead to nothing but online argument, so they can walk out with the money, fully being caught doing this, fully being proved that it's a social political bias for the win... and then still using it as a excuse to censor users and leave them in a state of disillusion..

lets take language shaming... it's used to make people feel bad for perfectly normal language use...
much like gender politics... you were shamed for 100% natural speech... the only time this became normal is when someone wanted special treatment... and needed shame as a tool to get his/her way.

and there's a literal book on how governments language shame to let them become the all singing circus that decides what you wear.
Post edited 11 hours ago by XeonicDevil
Criminal (noun): A person who is guilty of a crime, notably breaking the law.
And yes i think doom eternal was the biggest pile of trash i ever saw.
super mario 3 was awesome but thats super mario 3
if i wanted to play mario 3 i would pull up a emulator.

now the worst argument i have been given... "super mario 3 was awesome"
ok and?

is it doom? if you said yes... then please go to hell.

go look at the levels, the colors, all that's missing is mushroom high... and thats why doom eternal did not do it for me.

and 2016 sits on a giant cliff hang.... that till today is unresolved.
thats waiting for bait.... and we were screwed.

clearly you need to be on some drug to enjoy the games they make.

half-life alone has taken forever to get anywhere.. the game barley resembles itself and gabes attitude toward gamers speaks nothing but volumes of hate to gamers..

hackers leak my game... i punish everyone even tho there is a 99% chance you leaked it yourself to judge the environment and even so they lost no sales... people still bought it.

so if the rules are so tight you cant make a peep but the developer can do anything they choose and no one will fight for you...

trust is a brittle thing.. and developers have made the paper screen from toilet paper.

oh yeah and lets not forget.... putting the other half of the game you actually paid for into dlc because your being pressured to release a unfinished game for c-19 sales...

nice one Bethesda.. really working up to that EA Darwin award...

and if this was steam i would have already been baited, trolled, insulted and banned.... all according to their plans... because we cant just leave the 4th wall were it belongs.
Post edited 10 hours ago by XeonicDevil
I hate Steam too, but none of these things you've listed are illegal.

Again, for the nth time, go get mental help.
XeonicDevil: ... last but not least... bending backward morally to appease social political agenda's that lead to nothing but online argument, so they can walk out with the money, fully being caught doing this, fully being proved that it's a social political bias for the win... and then still using it as a excuse to censor users and leave them in a state of disillusion..
I snipped for brevity, but reading your entire post has been a reminder that I need to get away from this keyboard more and go outside and talk to some actual people that don't speak in extremes. Being online and wrapped up in social media is fine in small doses, but I'm convinced that it's become harmful to all societies.

I know it sounds like it, but I'm actually not accusing you of speaking in extremes either. I think you are like me in a way, and are being harmed by too much involvement with people with extreme points of view.

Online, topics like this tend to be reduced to black-and-white, where many people have the attitude of: "Agree with me or I hate you and will make your life miserable."

XeonicDevil, all I'm saying is that I think we both could benefit from leaving our little bubbles and going outside more often.

My best wishes to you.
XeonicDevil: <screeching>
gog forum moment
XeonicDevil: 1. Developers act like god. "not responsible ever for anything even when the writing is on the wall"
2. Developers that are caught red handed "thread deleted, no apology, user banned"
3. Social politics that have no place in real life. "i came to address a developer, not dress up in drag"
4. Having to argue with the 5 guard dogs that a developer keeps on his/her forum.
5. having staff that know less than the end user does.
6. takes steam 6 months to read the reports on your account so you sit banned while they ignore context, read whatever keeps you banned while ignoring blatant suffering of a end user.
7. once your account has enough trouble your stuck banned even when you have not actually broken any real rules.
8. everyone treats you like trash and knows more than you shared. "sharing biased data with each other..."
9. refunds.. my lord in heaven know that people are making games... like real jerks.
DOOM ETERNAL FOR EXAMPLE... good lord how do you make such a pile of kiddies crap.... and call it doom..
a 5 year old would play it and go MINECRAFT... WHILE DROOL DRIPS FROM HIS MOUTH.
since when is doom for lil kiddo's?

10. online play... i have no had a friend ever since it's introduction.
it killed lan play forever and did not bring people closer.
it did however bring all the data developers need to exploit to their door step at my cost in data, power and processing wasted and were paying for games that do this all the time.
and their leaving bigger and bigger backdoors into their code..

i'm playing LoL and suddenly a 24MB exe shows up in the game folder during play.. and the contents is.. a full on root kit....HOW? Why? WHAT THE HELL JUST LEAVE ME BE..

last but not least... bending backward morally to appease social political agenda's that lead to nothing but online argument, so they can walk out with the money, fully being caught doing this, fully being proved that it's a social political bias for the win... and then still using it as a excuse to censor users and leave them in a state of disillusion..

lets take language shaming... it's used to make people feel bad for perfectly normal language use...
much like gender politics... you were shamed for 100% natural speech... the only time this became normal is when someone wanted special treatment... and needed shame as a tool to get his/her way.

and there's a literal book on how governments language shame to let them become the all singing circus that decides what you wear.
Woke up on the wrong side of the bed again ?

Just don't use Steam and don't visit their forums .
<makes notes> Super... Mario...3... isn't DOOM... Got it.
I was wondering why I didn't see any steam posts in the last few days and there it is!
Average gog user screeching about steam while not even buying games here.
But what can I expect from a league player.
Move on with your life, there is more to it than wasting your time and energy on this screeching nonsense.