Posted February 16, 2010

There are no pedestrians, and very few races, so it's really nothing like carmageddon. They just happened to both come out around the same time and feature cars with weapons. Personally i tried Twisted Metal after i76 and i thought it was a joke.
i76 is more like x-wing / tie-fighter in a car. It's more of a sim, in that the damage to all your systems and sides is modelled, and between missions you get a limited amount of time to repair them. Plus you have to balance your armour and weapon weights, etc..
It essentially has the same pros and cons as x-wing games.
I'd guess the main flaw is that the enemy driver AI isn't that smart and occasionally gets hung up on the level geometry... and battles can sometimes turn into turning circles (which is kind of the same as x-wing, but a little more obvious on a flat plane).
Then again, when I'm caught up in a battle with 3 cop cars I've been known to drive right off a cliff... so my AI isn't that hot either.
A large part of the appeal is the style. 70's cop tv show meets mad max.
Post edited February 16, 2010 by soulgrindr