visconteprimus: -_-
I don't want using Galaxy, simply because I don't give a f... about Achievements, Keeping-In-Touch with other Players and the other social aspect of today's Gaming.
I've just want the stuff for I paid, with a tool
which is still available and working (because I have no a single problem with other games of my Library. I've checked also today). Ah. Fun fact: the dev team (after only more than 24h! How timeliness!) has answered telling me the problem is on GOG.
Yeah... Is sure they are Canadians? Because this passing the buck practice sounds very Italian!
fr33kSh0w2012: Australia is actually the GODS of passing the buck!
try the downloader pages again
do you know how to flush windows DNS resolver cache
in CMD prompt right click to run it as administrator
type in this:
Ipconfig /flushdns
should help your Internet did you erase your history and cookies?
I'll wait for a week (maximum), then I'll ask to GOG for a refund. Now, I'm really tired.