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low rated
seriously i get its hard work to get games on GOG but where is the triple A games

sniper elite v2
sniper elite v3
call of duty 1,2,3,4
eurotruck simulator 2
citys skylines
metal gear rising
dynasty warriors 1 - 6
3d ultra mini golf

and the list goes on instead we have
the texorcist wtf is that and rainswept if you wanna be a contender for steam GOG u need to be more firm with developers who own the rights to these old games, some indie games are great and all but people like to see games they recognise
We all would like to see GOG release more mainline titles but waiting is the hardest part.
they will come.
Post edited February 05, 2019 by Lord_Kane
moobot83: seriously i get its hard work to get games on GOG but where is the triple A games

sniper elite v2
sniper elite v3
call of duty 1,2,3,4
eurotruck simulator 2
citys skylines
metal gear rising
dynasty warriors 1 - 6
3d ultra mini golf

and the list goes on instead we have
the texorcist wtf is that and rainswept if you wanna be a contender for steam GOG u need to be more firm with developers who own the rights to these old games, some indie games are great and all but people like to see games they recognise
While it's cool to have big games, it's worth remembering that taking market share from steam doesn't just mean getting big games. The fact you were able to see and name those indies is already a mark up from Steam where most customers would not have even seen them.
A lot of those unknown indie titles are great games.

A lot of them aren't, but a lot of them are.

This is of course all totally subjective.
moobot83: seriously i get its hard work to get games on GOG but where is the triple A games

sniper elite v2
sniper elite v3
call of duty 1,2,3,4
eurotruck simulator 2
citys skylines
metal gear rising
dynasty warriors 1 - 6
3d ultra mini golf
moobot83: seriously i get its hard work to get games on GOG but where is the triple A games

sniper elite v2
sniper elite v3
call of duty 1,2,3,4
eurotruck simulator 2
citys skylines
metal gear rising
dynasty warriors 1 - 6
3d ultra mini golf

Order, put your money on the counter, take a step to the right.
Post edited February 05, 2019 by tinyE
moobot83: seriously i get its hard work to get games on GOG but where is the triple A games

sniper elite v2
sniper elite v3
call of duty 1,2,3,4
eurotruck simulator 2
citys skylines
metal gear rising
dynasty warriors 1 - 6
3d ultra mini golf
Preach it! It's gotten so bad that they're even mostly absent from your post!
Post edited February 05, 2019 by Randalator
Let's see, there's …3 indie titles on your list, several SGWW games, and two series which have not even a snowball's chance in an active volcano of coming here, much less to PC.

Well, the very least you could do is actually list titles worth having.

What those titles would be, I wouldn't know, as I stopped following mainstream gaming several years ago.

Edit: Just realized it was you.
Post edited February 13, 2019 by Darvond
the only game on that list that actually interests me is cities skylines but i dont know if id call that aaa, maybe mid-tier? or double-a! like the batteries. damn i funny sometime.
fortune_p_dawg: the only game on that list that actually interests me is cities skylines but i dont know if id call that aaa, maybe mid-tier? or double-a! like the batteries. damn i funny sometime.
I just started playing that but the learning curve is killing me. It's not that it's hard, it's that it's nothing like any city builder you've ever played.
Call of Duty games are terribad. They are far worse than indie/low budget games.
GOG would like every AAA game on PC, but it;s the AAA Publisher's that decide what comes here.

Even those that have games on GOG, only do so for older games.
in general that means games, not originally released on their own store client.

EA, seem to have drawn the line, at the same point they abandoned steam.
We got Dragon Age, but not DA2, or DAI, Dead Space, but not DS2, or 3

Ubisoft is similar, we get Assassin's Creed, but nothing else, and while they'll sell on Steam, and Epic, they must also accept Uplay and it's DRM, thus requiring two Store Clients running, and there's no way GOG will ever do that.

BS (Bethesda Softworks) seem to have drawn the line with Skyrim, which many gamers don't realise was what launched the Awful Walled Garden that is Steam Workshop, which will only allow you access to the mods, if you own the game on Steam.
Regardless BS (Appropriate Acronym), also have there own store client.

As the trend in "AAA Publisher Land" is for each to have there own store client, and some have never released anything on GOG, I think you're living in "Cloud Cuckoo Land" (May be that's also "AAA Publisher Land"), if you think their games are ever coming to GOG.

So don't hold your breath.
Post edited February 06, 2019 by UhuruNUru
I like wine.

Who wants a glass of Cotes du Rhone?
Highlights are rare. At this moment, what we have in the news section at the bottom of the home page:

- 4 indie releases
- 4 indies coming soon
- 1 indie in development
- 1 weekly sale announcement
- 1 post that a soundtrack is available for purchase
- 1 DLC release for Kingdom Come: Deliverance

AAA releases: 0
Old games released: 0

Not exactly something to get overly excited. Just a pre-order is missing ;-)
Post edited February 06, 2019 by ChrisSZ
Sachys: I like wine.

Who wants a glass of Cotes du Rhone?
-I'd like some wine.

-Red or white?

-Oh, you sell it by the glass?

-Of course. What, you expect someone to drink a whole box?