tinyE: I love how different people are in this world. Yesterday there was an entire thread here aboout how bad the story was compared to WoL. I really think that is so cool that we can see things so differently and yet all have a blast hanging out in here arguing about it. :D
Nergal01: Let's just say I was not a fan of WoL's storyline which felt fragmented in the extreme. Only half of the missions seemed to be about anything, and the rest felt like lame filler content. Also, the whole thing was so....detached from SC/BW that it felt more like a reboot than a proper sequel. After seeing that ending video, I was kinda afraid that HotS would just carry on from there.
Thankfully, HotS is low on the filler content and the story actually takes some directions that I can agree with. And it does a lot more to acknowledge where it's coming from, i.e. not only from WoL but also SC and BW. And that's a huge plus for me.
I haven't played either but I was being totally sincere in my statement. I think that is really cool that we have such variety of opinion in here; makes the forum so much more fun. Enjoy the rest of the game; I LOVED SC1 but I'm still a little pissy about the DRM Blizzard has started implimenting, but that's my problem so I'll have to get over it. :)