Posted May 07, 2013

Bad Hair Day
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The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted May 07, 2013

I haven't read any of the books, but why didn't you like the movie?

I hunt Ghouls
Registered: Sep 2008
From Italy

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted May 07, 2013
Honestly I watched the 1st 20 minutes and totally lost interest. That worried me because normally good or bad I LOVE that sort of stuff, but I just couldn't stay into it. It's like I just didn't care about the characters.

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted May 07, 2013

I haven't read any of the books, but why didn't you like the movie?

And apologies for hijacking the thread.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted May 07, 2013

And apologies for hijacking the thread.

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted May 08, 2013
Among others:
'The Spanish Civil War' written by Rudolf the Jong. A book written in the sixties, when Franco still held power. It's from a socialist publisher and is very inspiring in it's description of the social-economic revolution that took place in the years of the Republic, and the succesful running of the economy when farmer's and labourer's collectives took over the farms and factories from the big owners that had surpressed them. The economy was all about sharing. How I wish it would be thus today. Still, it can be done, the Spanish republicans show.
'The Spanish Civil War' written by Rudolf the Jong. A book written in the sixties, when Franco still held power. It's from a socialist publisher and is very inspiring in it's description of the social-economic revolution that took place in the years of the Republic, and the succesful running of the economy when farmer's and labourer's collectives took over the farms and factories from the big owners that had surpressed them. The economy was all about sharing. How I wish it would be thus today. Still, it can be done, the Spanish republicans show.

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted May 08, 2013
Still reading LOTR. Taking my sweet time, a chapter a day. Sometimes going days without reading a page. On the final book Chapter 3 Mount Doom. Starship troopers is waiting in the wings for me to finish LOTR.

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted May 16, 2013
"Eon" by Greg Bear. Some of the most interesting and compelling sci fi I've read in ages.

New User
Registered: May 2013
From Germany
Posted May 16, 2013
"Cloud Atlas" by David Mitchell. I liked the movie and wondered how someone could write a book without it being totaly confusing and weird. I wanted it more out of pure curiosity and not because I loved the story so much I wanted to spend more time in it. 50 pages in, it is ok. Not mindblowing, not good. Ok, no more, no less.
Post edited May 16, 2013 by thylior

To Infinity
Registered: Dec 2011
From United States
Posted May 16, 2013
I am currently reading Homeland, the first book in The Dark Elf Trilogy by R. A. Salvatore.

Registered: Dec 2009
From United States
Posted May 16, 2013
Currently reading The Sword of Truth #6: Faith of the Fallen by Terry Goodkind.
BuzzLightyear2: I am currently reading Homeland, the first book in The Dark Elf Trilogy by R. A. Salvatore. Good choice! I read them for the first time last year and enjoyed them.
The first 20 minutes are terrible. It does get better once you suffer through (or just skip) them.

The first 20 minutes are terrible. It does get better once you suffer through (or just skip) them.
Post edited May 16, 2013 by adambiser

Registered: Apr 2010
From Norway
Posted May 16, 2013
Soccer and Philosophy.

To Infinity
Registered: Dec 2011
From United States
Posted May 16, 2013
Thanks! A friend of mine recommended them to me, and strangely enough, I was able to find the entire trilogy at a book sale. So far, I am enjoying Homeland. The foreboding but magnificent Menzoberranzan, the dark elves' culture, and their twisted form of "justice" make it an interesting read.

Yellow Jester
Registered: May 2010
From United States
Posted May 16, 2013
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. It's about two Jewish cousins involved in the Golden Age of comics.