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Lord_Kane: GOG protects this guy so hard, I think he is a relative of one of GOG's higher ups honestly.
Nah... he is a rich kid with 2% CDPR shares in portfolio. And as far as I know only 1 mod guarded him so much, perhaps a ticked with request for investigation will change this situation once and for all, a public one.
Wonderful Franchise that fallen into nothingness.

Total Annihilation while yes Supreme Commander exists, I long for a return to the war between the ARM and the CORE.
I would go with SaGa. There have been some remasters released recently on DRM-encumbered platforms, but the series has been lacking in terms of new games.

I would actually like to see some indie games take some of the ideas from the SaGa franchise and develop them, perhaps in different directions than what we currently see.
GeraltOfRivia_PL: Baldur's Gate 2 is the best video game ever made.
No it isn't.
Post edited February 04, 2021 by dtgreene
In order of my favorite series...

Breath of Fire
Legacy of Kain & Soul Reaver
Dead Space
Parasite Eve
Project Zero / Fatal Frame
Silent Hill
Syphon Filter
Xenosaga / Xenogears

& some one shots like Thousand Arms, Vagrant Story...
Post edited February 04, 2021 by koima57
amok: Tenchu series
Yeah, both of those were good. IMHO Resistance 3 was a brilliant shooter that should have sold much better than it did. Sony giving up on the series with such a great installment was sad..
Please define "obscurity" your definition in the OP does not count.
koima57: Syphon Filter
From what I've heard Syphon Filter is making a comeback soon.
Sword of Hope

Also, Dragon Quest/Warrior used to be obscure outside of Japan, but that changed with Dragon Quest 8. (The fact that neither DQ5 nor DQ6 saw Western release could have had something to do with it.)

(As a side note, Final Fantasy Legend (which is really early SaGa) wasn't as obscure back in the day as the series is now; the fact that none of the Romancing SaGa games saw western release didn't help, and the later SaGa games (particularly Unlimited SaGa) got bad reviews, which didn't help matters either.) (Wait, is this *really* a side note?)
1. Quake had its last game (Quake 4) released in 2005. Sure, you had ET: Quake Wars and Quake Champions but these are nothing but multiplayer vehicles.

I think that the reason is that a multiplayer game, even those which are "massive multiplayer", is more profitable and does not require too much in the way of lore and story.

Another reason is the fact that Quake 4, despite being an excellent game, got not so great reviews and that there's some disconnect with the original Quake and Quake II storylines.

2. F.E.A.R. got a great release, two excellent DLCs, and F.E.A.R. 2. Then, F.E.A.R. 3 got converted into little more than a multiplayer vehicle.

I think one of the reasons was poor sales of the DLCs Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate, and poor reviews of F.E.A.R. 2 (which, while good, was no better than the first game and the HUD was atrocious).
Franchises. Hhmmm. Lets go with:

Dragon Slayer (I'd especially like an English sequel to Sorcerian)
Betrayal at Krondor
Lands of Lore
Shadowrun (Yes the latest was only 5 years ago, but still...)
Legend of Grimrock (6 years...)
Legend of Mana (Remakes are fine, but how about a new entry?)
Knights of the Old Republic
Need for speed II sequel (Simple racing on highways that are designed after real world ones instead of what they're doing these days)

And as others have mentioned:
Breath of Fire
Golden Sun
Parasite Eve
Post edited February 04, 2021 by Crimson_T
low rated
PixelBoy: OutRun.

It used to define racing games, or at least driving games of certain kind, but these days the only OutRun releases are ports of the original games and not further developed sequels. Young kids have never heard about those games.
Might try it, thanks!
Hugo. The main character was such a cute troll. :)
Lost Empire
Imperium Galactica
The Spirit Engine
Space Rangers
Escape Velocity
Robot Battle
Solar Winds
Star Ruler

Games series that took a wrong turn:
Space Empires
Sword of the Stars
Dungeon Siege
The Settlers
I wish Ubisoft would try to make a B.A.T 3 game.
Sure, the first two games in the series are pretty obscure and not really great games to begin with. But still...
Project Zero (aka Fatal Frame). I think they are the best horror games ever created