gamesfreak64: i was thinking about w10:
It breaks all things, i read it everywhere, but lets suppose there are some users that dont game but only mail, socialmedia, and watch videos, watch youtube on the pc , maybe some instagram, i know thats quite 'boring' but i assume that these basic things will work 100%?
So users who mainly use/ buy a laptop for these things should have no complaints about win 10.
Thats why not all users are complaining, i myself would be complaining alot cause i do use tools, games, and evrything thats possible to do on windows.
But for people who just wanna be online to have contact with faraway relatives or friends w10 should be okay, unless w10 also messes up these basic things :D then w10 should be put down to bed permanently :D
turn of the lights, closed the room, seal the door and forget about that piece of digital trash.
Crispy78: It's really worth mentioning that people that it just works fine for don't tend to shout about it on forums. If you look into anything online you're more likely to see the bad side over-exaggerated.
Personally, for me, Windows 10 has been just perfect. Not had a single problem with it. Laptop does everything I want it to, and the 20-odd GOG games I've run on it so far have been just fine.
true, but ... regarding ...
and the 20-odd GOG games I've run on it so far have been just fine.
they do, but with win7 and older they would always do it after a patch/update, now with win10 you never know for sure
if it will and more important how long it will keep on working , but we have lots of time before its 2020.
i hope for a miracle that a company stands up and has a new OS, that looks like windows but without E.T onboard cause E.T phone home is not very wanted or needed.
Its time mickeysoft retires.... cause were already forced to do things we cant change by our government, so let us please have some control on our OS we use.
I know for certain many of the users that 'complain' about the " ET phone home" also dont like Goole snoopinbg around, drm loaded games and more privacy 'violations', so why take this from mickeysofts' win 10? just because we have to and there's no alternative?
monkeydelarge: I don't like it but that doesn't mean it sucks. You should give it a try so you know for sure, if it is your cup of tea or not.
i dont like it but i never said it sucks, and you cant take the general phrase we been calling all our lives: "windows sucks" serious.
point is mainly the privacy part: like i said before if i want to go public it should be my choice, not mickeysofts who thinks its necessary to collect all possible info about us.
Sure if i was a gazillionair or biliionair i would not mind that all the world knew about me, cause thats what you become when having loads and loads of cash.
The 'funny' thing is tools/patches/apps that are beeing created to 'fix' the ET homephoning.
Just google on it and you be suprised.
There never was any reason to do this since win95 start till win7, but it seems it is needed now with the arrival of
win 10.