Posted October 28, 2015

* Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Sonic, Castlevania, Mega Man, Final Fantasy etc...what can I say, don't like 'em.
Popular titles I dislike, mainly because I don't think there's anything remotely interesting about them:
* the Dragon Age series * the ElderScrolls/Fallout series * MineCraft
* anything LoL/Dota/MMO * multiplayer survival games: DayZ, Ark...
* multiplayer-based action games; Countrer-Strike, Team Fortress 2, Unreal Tournament, Tribes ...
* pointless stuff like Goat Simulator, The Stanley Parable, Gone Home
* South Park The Stick of Truth * Diablo 3 * Far Cry 3,4 * the BioShock series
* Mass Effect 2 ... they removed most of the things I liked about the first game and ruined the rest
* XCom (2012) ... the maps where far too repetitive...the best strategy game in years my a##
* anything I consider too cartoony: Psychonauts, Deponia... * the Batman games * Dishonored
In case its not obvious, which it most likely won't be to some on this forum, these are just my opinions, not universal facts. As an individual I reserve the f'n right to define games according to my own perspective and criteria.
Seems pretty broad if even Dishonored and Batman are included. :P
Edit: Why is Gone Home pointless exactly?
Post edited October 28, 2015 by omega64