Caesar.: Both screenshots are from GOG; right? If you buy a game as a gift you always pay base price, no matter where you are. If you buy for yourself you pay whatever the price is in your region. Could that be the explanation for the discrepancy between the screenshots?
name13551: I should have used the game I haven't bought yet as an example. So the question is: do I get the same version of a game I buy for a reduced price?
Does GOG put different price tags for the same game or it's a different version published by a different company? I probably should be more specific: New Vegas RU doesn's support mods and the regular version does so I'm ready to pay full price but if the setup file is the same for everyone it makes no sense to pay more.
Regional pricing doesn't affect the version of the game you're buying. You're getting the same product.
If there are versions in different languages when you buy a game on GOG, you get access to all of them. In the case of Fallout: New Vegas, you have
eight different installers, each in a different language (including both English and Russian).
(I don't own that game so my answer is based on other games I've bought with different versions in different languages).