paladin181: This is a self fulfilling prophecy. If everyone cancels their preorder because the project might be cancelled, then it will be cancelled for lack of support. I understand people cancelling their order, but I'd advise that you wait to cancel if you want to see the project actually happen.
this has to be the worst advice ever
yeah, support an already total fail development, cause surely that's what gaming industry needs
maul_inc: Funny how they managed to get the preorder bonus pixels rdy ages ago but they just can't make the actual game...
ps. Never ever Preorder digital goods, you don't know what exactly you are going to get before it releases.
that's so usual, these cash grab games always have payment options and fake advertisement ready
who cares about the actual games , clearly not them
Time4Tea: What an amazing scam game developers have managed to pull off ... game development is now being funded directly by the gamers, often paying
full price years in advance, for a development project they have no say in, no control over and may never even see the light of day. And for games that, in many cases are not available DRM-free, in which case they won't even own their copies. What is this madness we are descending into?
modern gaming, where if you don't support bad behavior you are the problem
this world is crazier each year