sanscript: Frack, censoring just because someone is a little butthurt and can't handle others opinion or humor, is NOT the way to get control.
dtgreene: I would argue that people tend to use the "it's just a joke" argument to get out of punishment. When the "joke" actively harms others, then that excuse should not be valid, and the post should be moderated, even if it's "just a joke". (So, for example, a "joke" about killing Jewish people, for example, would not be acceptable.)
There are plenty of clean jokes our there that wouldn't be offensive. In general, a joke that empowers its target, rather than denigrating it, is preferred.
mm324: unfortunately common sense isn't so common. :/
dtgreene: "common sense" is sometimes outright wrong, so be careful. If you think X is true, and your reason is "common sense", you might want to look up whether it *is* true. This comes up *a lot* in controversial topics.
Except when someone who has a joking nature makes a joke about something, and has a history of irreverence towards all topics, why does that person deserve punishment to begin with? If your analogy is regarding someone who say, theoretically only makes jokes about Jews, or the color blue, for whatever reason, and let's say we live in a world where blue haters is deemed controversial, I'd understand your point. The perception people like you have laid, though, is that ANY jokes dealing with controversial subject matter should be punished, and not only should they be punished, you should find out their personal info and go on a crusade to ruin that person's life.
We're adults. We're not children. If something goes against my core values, I have the right to not give those things my time of day. I ignore it and move onto something in my life that does deserve my attention. I don't announce a massive intifada against blue haters and make it a mission to destroy all people who hate blue.
What most of us middle of the road people want is simple: use your right to ignore. Heck, feel free to express yourself in why you didn't like it, but stop labeling people who disagree with you as vile dregs of humanity, simply because they had the temerity to challenge your assertions.