Posted May 08, 2022

Travel time: May-June 2022
It is already another two month worth of time travels (and I am a bit late).
Just for clarification, if I recall it correctly, "Splinter Cell" released in early 2003 for the PC. Only the original XBox-version was released in the end of 2002.
Again, there are plenty of good old games to tackle for this time frame!
But obviously, my choice has to be my favorite two helicopter simulations that has not secured from limbo, yet:
- "Search & Rescue 4" ("Search & Rescue: Coastal Heroes" in the US)
- "Vietnam Med+Evac"
Both (developed by InterActive Vision A/S) were originally released in late 2002 in North America by Global Star Software, and some months later followed their European release in 2003 by Just Flight Ltd.!
Like "Silent Hunter II" and "Sub Command" these helicopter simulators feature a large mission-based ironman campaign structure (no dynamic campaign in here), but in addition allow to access every terrain map and every mission individually.
The graphics are still enjoyable, with many details in and around the helicopters themselves, some remarkable details in the landscapes and volumetric clouds, too.
And most importantly the feature great flight dynamics including rotor blade down-wash, ground effects, auto-rotation, over-torque, stall due to rotor blade fin speeds, load/cargo influence on center of gravity, as well as, wind and other weather effects influencing the helicopters performance!
Oh, did I forgot to mention (once more) that they are civil helicopter simulators focussed on the title-giving search and rescue (SAR) missions instead of find and shoot/destroy targets!
To be honest, I am constantly playing these two simulators since I stumbled on them in our local videothek (similar to blockbuster) and first rented them, later buying the very same copies from the videothek, but I never finished the 'ironman' campaign with only a single pilot, meaning without a fatal crash.
Often, I just jump in any scenario or mission at will, sometimes even in chronological order of their appearance within the campaign.
Happy gaming and (re)visiting gems from the past!
Kind regards,
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