Posted October 09, 2018
haha My first "true" full game, in box, original and not from gaming magazine was 10 years after my first PC (referring to the 386). Heroes of Might and Magic 4 (yep, 4), finally seemed to be what I always wanted HoMM to be, heroes actually fighting, units that can travel without heroes, jumped on that (as just about everyone else jumped away - and I get that, changes are a problem, maybe they should have started another spinoff like that instead), remember how baffled my mother was, why would anyone pay that sort of money for a game when you can just get it from this or that guy for little more than the price of a blank CD. But nothing was actually paid for it, since it was bought along with parts for my 4th computer (5th if you count the Spectrum), first one I actually built from parts myself, after the store had left me waiting 2 months for the CPU and it suddenly became available just as there was a big price drop announced by Intel, and when that was mentioned to them they went yeah, well, uh, there's been a discount, but we can't do a refund for the amount, get some stuff worth that much instead, and it was game and new keyboard and speakers if I remember right (may it be this keyboard I'm using again now, while the one bought just shy of 2 years ago is getting repaired? not sure... then again, may not have been kb+speakers, but one of the two and a floppy drive, as I had at first planned to reuse that from the old one, not sure anymore, 2 of these 3 anyway). Anyway, for the first games actually legally purchased, paying for them directly, you have to skip some 5 more years, when I finally got around to getting NWN Diamond, Morrowind GOTY and a package with PS:T and Soulbringer (I just wanted PS:T but couldn't find it alone). Can't recall which came first, know they weren't all at once but it was days or at most a few weeks apart.
Post edited October 09, 2018 by Cavalary