Darvond: Why not throw the book at them via filing a complaint though the EU? There's forms you can fill out, no attorney needed. The EU will happily enforce things of this nature. With a vengeance, if needed. And with all the pressure and necks breathing down them, another spotlight will only help.
Combination of far more important things happening in my life, and lack of trust in Polish institutions to handle this any differently than the trade commission that decided GOG was completely innocent of misleading investors with the Cyberpunk kerruffle (despite hard evidence to the contrary).
CDPR is a darling in the eyes of Polish government, as a smokescreen of "look, homegrown success" over all the foreign entities leeching money out of Polish economy (and the fun ways to use licensing to ensure you can show constant losses on your highly profitable business is a subject I won't go in detail right now). To the point where a copy of Witcher 2 (IIRC) was the official state gift to president Barack Obama.
Perhaps things have changed. I'm still rather unconvinced Polish authorities have particular interest in adhering to the letter of EU law, though, but that could be just projection of my cynicism cultivated elsewhere.
§pectre: I wouldn't bother with the support tards. Find their data controller or the address for legal matters and send a formal GDPR request.
I wouldn't call the people I've interacted with over the years "tards." They are intelligent, and know what they are doing, just in this case it's something completely opposite to MY interests.
Anyway, took a look at UODO (the Polish enforcing agency) and will see how that path works. A bit convoluted procedure is required (can't do it via e-mail without digitally certified signature because why make it easy /s).
Had an interesting talk with an acquaintance, though. He's specializing in divorce law, but hangs out with a crowd that includes several people practicing corporate law, so looking forward to the chill-out evening next week.
Anyway, thanks for ignoring something as simple as allowing people to access the games they long paid for without datamining dickhattery, GOG. At least it gave me a side project to pursue.