nightcraw1er.488: No. No FromSoftware games are on here from any era, nor even any rumours they might be.
Pyromancer138: Metal Wolf Chaos XD is available here on gog. Ok, didn’t see that one, but that’s digital devolver remastering a 2004 game.
JakobFel: To be honest, if you've played one FromSoftware game, you've played them all. This one just has an open world added in. Even so, I do want to check this one out at some point and I'd definitely prefer it DRM-free...but yeah, I'm not holding my breath.
What you mean the basic gameplay loop of:
1 - walk forward
2 - die
3 - if hours spent < 150 goto 1
4 - else go on social media and brag about how you defeated that skeleton in room x and it only took 150hours and that everyone else should git gud
5 - proceed to next room and return to 1