Sachys: Eminem is terrible.
No offence at all meant to drealmer7 at all, it just makes me sad when people have Eminem as the be all and end all of rap (whether to dismiss it with "Oh, I tried listening to Eminem, but I guess I don't like rap" or even "oh, I like this one rapper, Eminem"). I wonder why it Eminem like the easy listening of rap? I don't consider him particularly enjoyable to listen to either, but then again, might be because I grew up on Tupac :D.
As for the "Oh, it is all so gangsta and boring" argument, while I love Tupac, rap has a wide and enjoyable range of styles and subgenres. Some other songs I like:
Handsome Boy Modelling School - If It Wasn't For You (ft De La Soul & Starchild Excalibur) (someone categorised it as "Jazz Rap")
Soom T - Dirty Money (A scottish singer of indian origin doing reggae infused rap music)
YTCracker - Feel Like Leisure-Suit Larry (Part of a concept album about a dystopian future where the government knows everything you do..."nerdcore hip hop")
Bust Rhymes - Don't Touch Me (Team Teamwork remix) (A rap song by Busta Rhymes that was redone by this group that added incredibly well-fitting Zelda music to the background)