The votes are in! Let’s review what happened today.
On Day 2, the jury returned to the court. Almost immediately, Bler put on his Brainy Smurf glasses and declared the defendant to be not guilty. The speed with which this occurred was so startling that Mikopotato couldn’t read straight and Habanerose began mixing up his terms (although, knowing the majority of the GOG community, this may or may not have been due to excessive alcohol consumption). The Puzzlemaster asked whether this was an official vote, and after much prodding, eventually procured an official Not Guilty vote and a private explanation of the vote from the overconfident yet unwilling-to-win-for-himself juror. Therefore, he decided to donate any winnings he received to the generous Austrobogulator.
Meanwhile, Sunshinecorp set out to look for delicious tidbits of food in the back of the café, and nearly started an invasion by attempting to microwave old ham sandwiches into sentience. Fortunately, they stepped on the defendant’s lawn and were promptly blasted out of existence. Interested by all this chaos, the audience member Ashwald decided to share some helpful insight with the jury, but was sad that he lacked voting power. Nevertheless, he continued.
Votes were quick and showed a landslide majority. The court waited some time for the return of Gamefood, who eventually informed the Puzzlemaster that he would be unable to participate. In absence of a 12th juror, everyone noticed how useful Ashwald was, and soon voted him in. Gamefood was counted as absent and would be replaced by Ashwald on the next day. The evidence from the field was presented.
Post edited January 06, 2016 by zeogold