Game: Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
Installer MD5: 32070d5a0bb535878be7717df82abc08 setup_call_of_cthulhu_1.0_(14415).exe
WineHQ AppDB link: Distro: Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon 64-bit
Kernel version: 4.13.0-32
Graphics card: AMD RX 480 8GB
Graphics driver & version: Open source, with Mesa 17.3.2 from Padoka's stable Mesa PPA
Wine version(s) tested: Wine 3.0 (with CSMT enabled)
Install notes: Install & play, mostly. For videos to work you need to install WMP9 and devenum
Add an override for dinput8 (native, builtin) to use the
widescreen fix (I recommend deleting modupdater.asi as it was found to cause crashes with other games)
How well does it run: Perfect, as far as I can tell
Details: Seems to run great so far, although I've not fully played through it yet - there are no signs of any obvious issues, at least.
Wine wrapper I have put together a Linux Wine wrapper for this game. For more information, see the release thread in the game's forum: