ryannaughton1138: Tza
Toxic Masculinity doesn't encompass all of masculinity. It's cretin aspects of it there are pretty bad. Like seeing emotion as a weakness, or that women exist for competition. As a man I don't want to be associated with those concepts, and the idea that 'boys will be boys" is no excuse for this kind of things. Men , and women are not defined but what is expected of them because of there gender. There are positive aspects to masculinity, and those should be worth striving for.
No, it doesn't work for me either.
You are again truncating Sarkeesian tweets to isolate and focus on two words. If you're cutting everything but the words or terms you like and want to discuss, you could even magically soften any hate speech you'd like to promote. That's just ludicrous.
She litteraly exploited the Rodgers' mass murder to paint all men and boys as potential nutkillers if their own masculinity - so, part of their own identity - doesn't fit the masculinity she labelled as non toxic.
She's generalizing the very special cases of deranged mass murderers to the global male population to push her paranoïd views of masculinity, conveniently labelled as toxic if it isn't onpar with her views... and supposedly prevalent in our culture, somehow.
What I see here is just another authoritarian naysayer sharing her binary views of good and evil, of sinners and penitents.
That's basically : "Watch out penitent men and boys, and keep your masculinity in check, or else you could finish like Rodgers, murdering people because of his toxic manhood. "
Doesn't change anything to me if she put all of her ramblings under feminism, her positions and logic on her subjects often sound like cultist reasoning.
Besides, I can't really take seriously the concept of "toxic masculinity", as it is, to me, a flimsy notion entirely dependant of personal interpretations.
The way this notion is used, especially in the radical feminist branch, is just utterly ridiculous. It is one of these portmanteau terms which blindly encompass everything and nothing, especially designed to demonize any disliked or hated view at no cost.
For example, taking your examples of toxic masculinity.
To my mind, they're both highly debatable and cannot be de facto labelled as toxic masculinity.
I don't see any harm in learning our own children to temper their emotions, since they are clearly a weakness in specific situations easily encountered in life (anger in disputes or debates, envy in seduction etc.). I'm not talking about supressing or ridiculing their emotions, but tempering them. This is a matter of education, not toxic masculinity.
And women, like men in our society, are constantly in competion to achieve their own goals in their life. I don't see any toxic masculinity in that.
And let's not speak of Sarkeesian views of toxic masculinity. From fabricated necrophiliac pulsions of male gamers, to the demonization of simplistic game scenarios she doesn't like...
Well, no. For the love of reason, I can't give Sarkeesian any credit on anything she discussed on her videos.