Posted July 18, 2015

So, are there any Firefoy plugins that automatically blocks them or somethign similar?

Do you really think because you have met a few "trannies" you are somehow more qualified than the medical and psychological professionals who have dedicated years to studying this issue and discussing and debating with their colleagues how best to deal with it?
Isn't this a classic example of the Dunning Kruger effect?
Isn't the difference that:
1. Permitting you to be go a-pillagin causes harm to others;
2. Permitting transexuals to undergo treatment (be it a sex change, hormone therapy, etc) harms noone and has been demonstrated to help?
Isn't this something that should really be best left to qualified people to look into, rather than the ignorant masses, or as you put it, "the general public"? I mean do we let the general public decide how best to treat depression or cancer or PTSD?
I assume by 'other-kin' you are speaking about what is informally known as species dysphoria?
Isn't the obvious difference that there is no consensus amongst physicians and psychologists as to treatment of that issue (and no consensus that it really is an issue at this stage)?

Do I get to point out that Dissociative Identity Disorder is a thing?
That the various 'schizo-' type disorders are a thing?
That psychosis is a thing?
That there are various mental disorders which may manifest as someone identifying so strongly with a real or fictional 'other' that they believe they are partially or wholly that aforementioned 'other' ?
I actually know people with Dissociative Identity Disorder, and it turns out that full-fledged personalities are basically people too.
So there's one body and multiple personalities, and the general purpose of the system is an extreme form of dissociation where the brain experiences trauma and essentially isolates those memories/experiences so that the host personality does not have to live with them.
(Unsurprisingly, such people often have PTSD as well. The DID operates as a defence mechanism.)
General dissociation is that feeling of being 'not quite there' and as if you might float away, or being 'behind/above' your actual body as if you were floating and/or looking on from outside/inside yourself.
Some of you may have experienced something like the above, and it's quite typical; the 'disorder' comes about when it goes into overdrive due to serious traumatic experiences.
(Usually the goal is either reintegration of the memories & personalities with the host... or for the system as a whole to communicate & cooperate in a healthy manner.
Yay psychiatry, right?)
[Bonus points: Because DID is a defence mechanism and frequently misunderstood, you may well have encountered someone that experiences it and not know about it. Spooky~]
Anyways. In relation to the 'otherkin' thing:
Anyone expressing such things in a manner that is not just especially-enthusiastic roleplay should probably (attempt to) be seen by a competent psychiatrist/psychologist, because regardless of the specific underlying cause there is the definite suggestion of that individual feeling the need to leap into some SERIOUS fucking escapism.
(Also people that identify as 'otherkin' often try to hijack trans narratives and that sometimes results in friction with transgender folks.)
Again, being trans is not a disorder in itself, it's the dysphoria that fucks with mood & quality of life.
(Well, that and the bigotry.)
Whereas identifying as non-human [unless you're somehow a cyborg, I guess] is something that should be impossible for a typical human brain.
I hope everyone is better-informed as to mental health and its relation with being transgender now and can stop being flippant wee shits and trying to use Straw Otherkin to malign being trans.
We good? Good.
Carry on.
Post edited July 18, 2015 by LeonardoCornejo